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Oct 27th 2019
BEFORE READING THIS THREAD, do you think this statement is TRUE or FALSE?

Despite being a documented #epidemic for decades, @HHSGov's #CenterForDiseaseControl(@CDCgov) intentionally obstructs its collecting #statistics on what causes at least 10% of deaths NEEDLESSLY every year.

HINT: You already know of these systemic #DataScams due to #PublicCorruption & #RegulatoryCapture:

🤥#UScensus is maliciously biased

Thread coming soon about #CauseOfDeath #DataFraud

#AmericanSwamp #MedicalControlFraud

ANOTHER HINT: My inability to escape intrahospital, interhospital & health/disability insurers’ #ConspiracyAgainstRights using #MedicalControlFrauds exposes motive of the right answer.

Watch this video later to understand #PublicCorruption by example📽️
Read 43 tweets
Apr 23rd 2019
The #UCRegents suing #UCLAHealth’s radiologist & #UCLA professor Robert Lufkin MD (CA lic#G43135) is like the clichés about irony:

👏The pot calling the kettle black
👏People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
👏Birds of a feather flock together…
The state of California’s #UCRegents suing Robert Lufkin MD is suspicious to me, as I have reason to think Lufkin is a suspected #MandatedReporter #Accomplice of the #UCRegents & #UCLAHealth’s #CriminallyFraudulentPrivateMarketDiscipline that depends on #RegulatoryCapture.
Read 21 tweets

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