The #UCRegents suing #UCLAHealth’s radiologist & #UCLA professor Robert Lufkin MD (CA lic#G43135) is like the clichés about irony:
👏The pot calling the kettle black
👏People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
👏Birds of a feather flock together…
The state of California’s #UCRegents suing Robert Lufkin MD is suspicious to me, as I have reason to think Lufkin is a suspected #MandatedReporter #Accomplice of the #UCRegents & #UCLAHealth’s #CriminallyFraudulentPrivateMarketDiscipline that depends on #RegulatoryCapture.
Evidence Lufkin is a suspected #Accomplice in #CruelAndUnusual #PredicateActs of #WhiteCollar state-corporate #OrganizedCrime #UnderColorOfLaw to #AidAndAbet other #MandatedReporters’ #ViolentCrime #CivilRights crime & #UCRegents & #UCLAHealth's . . .
#PatternAndPractice of #ConspiracyAgainstRights is by the lack of subtlety to their #MedicalControlFrauds #UnderColorOfAuthority & criminal motives for doing so.
I believe that because my body & my #PHI are inculpatory evidence of that ~ because I am one of Lufkin’s victims

An example is this evidence created by Lufkin showing he falsely reported the purpose, value & results of critical diagnostic radiology to #AidAndAbet a #ConspiracyAgainstRights of ongoing #CruelAndUnusual preemptive #CivilRights #CoverUp crime #UnderColorOfLaw, which was...
...used strategically by #UCRegents & #UCLAHealth to #CoverUp violent crimes of its #MandatedReporter employees who attacked me.
This video shows Lufkin’s crimes in the context of the #CoverUp to #AidAndAbet the ongoing #UCRegents & #UCLAHealth’s coordinated #CoverUp crimes
The exclusive ability to create & transact fraudulent outcome metrics & #PHI (#ProtectedHealthInfo) is a key strategy to bigger crimes, aka #MedicalControlFrauds. This brief introduction & YouTube link have more details to understand #UCRegents’ ...
…exclusive means using #MedicalControlFrauds to corrupt #ChecksAndBalances ~ like the same harm on Wall St due to the #DOJ's suspicious condoning of control frauds in all industries. Thus, banking/insurance corp’s looting healthcare/benefits by inflicting harm is lucrative.
That intentionally contrary functioning & criminal goals of #MandatedReporters in direct healthcare and in the regulation of healthcare seems too shocking at first to believe, until you see it is proven and validated by research and victims’ deaths and needless suffering.
That context of #QuidProQuo & #CivilRights abuses #UnderColorOfLaw by RECIPROCAL #MandatedReporters in healthcare and in regulatory enforcement on behalf of special interests makes their deadly crimes, obvious frauds & #retaliation inescapable due to #RegulatoryCapture.
The examples of that inescapable harm to me makes the #RegulatoryCapture undeniable, as the lack of subtlety to the #PatternAndPractice of #MandatedReporters' bad faith exposes their animus towards me for surviving, wanting to recover and for my #Whistleblower complaints.
The context of so many inescapable #CruelAndUsual #CoverUp crimes like Lufkin’s being needed as part of systemic #WhiteCollar state-corporate predicate acts of #OrganizedCrime (such as #InsuranceFraud #HealthcareFraud & #ConspiracyAgainstRights to falsify & transact more... fraudulent #PHI & diagnostic codes by #MailAndWireFraud) expose the “Architects” & beneficiaries of that #PatternAndPractice are federally mandated to anticipate, prevent & stop the crimes they are guilty of & #CoverUp instead!

Thus, this suit is suspicious, as Lufkin must be a #UCRegents & #UCLAHealth’s accomplice for years, doing their dirty work to cover-up crime ~ so maybe discrediting Lufkin is preemptive about bigger crimes & conspiracy implicating #UCLAHealth & #UCRegents members. E.g....

E.g., #UCLAHealth trains/supervises #MandatedReporters to #CoverUp crimes because UC hospitals wouldn’t legitimately quality for @TJCommission & @CMSGov certification to be a Medicare/Medicaid providers otherwise, which is needed to fraudulently bill for harming people...

...instead of providing ethical care. The #UCRegents role in the #CoverUp is self-evident by the volume of harm/deaths. Proof of that systemic corruption includes #retaliation against victims, witnesses & #whistleblowers for surviving #CoverUp crimes & underlying corruption
If that weren’t so, my life wouldn't be in danger by those mandated to protect us in good faith, but use that public trust for #WhiteCollar State-Corp. crime #UnderColorOfLaw & #UnderColorOfAuthority instead
I'm threatened/retaliated against for complaints needed to survive

During the years of my justified complaints Re: #QuidProQuo #CriminallyFraudulentPrivateMarketDiscipline & #RegulatoryCapture proven by physical evidence & witnesses, the #CoverUp escalated. Thus, the timing of Lufkin’s crimes also prove #conspiracy & #CruelAndUnusual harm.
#UCLAHealth’s radiologist/#UCLA professor Robert Lufkin MD (CA lic#G43135) crimes harming me expose that the #UCRegents' role in #OrganizedCrimes #UnderColorOfLaw to #CoverUp & #ObstructJustice about earlier & ongoing #OrganizedCrimes includes condoning & suborning the...
…training & supervising #MandatedReporters to conspire & perform #CruelAndUnusual #CivilRights crimes with intent to harm, even kill, the people targeted by superior for elimination with foreknowledge that #RegulatoryCapture will always prevent victims escaping that harm.