Despite being a documented #epidemic for decades, @HHSGov's #CenterForDiseaseControl(@CDCgov) intentionally obstructs its collecting #statistics on what causes at least 10% of deaths NEEDLESSLY every year.

HINT: You already know of these systemic #DataScams due to #PublicCorruption & #RegulatoryCapture:
🤥#UScensus is maliciously biased
Thread coming soon about #CauseOfDeath #DataFraud
#AmericanSwamp #MedicalControlFraud
ANOTHER HINT: My inability to escape intrahospital, interhospital & health/disability insurers’ #ConspiracyAgainstRights using #MedicalControlFrauds exposes motive of the right answer.
Watch this video later to understand #PublicCorruption by example📽️
Despite being the 2nd/3rd* cause of death for DECADES, @HHSGov's @CDCgov intentionally obstruct its collecting stats on death by crime & ‘error’ by #MandatedReporters (doctors, hospital & health insurers)
*citations at end of thread
Killing 2.5MM people + maiming 20x* more yearly & increasing it for DECADES takes intent, training/supervision & #ConspiracyAgainstRights reciprocally condoned/suborned #UnderColorOfLaw to #CoverUp those #CivilRights crimes' deadly #PatternAndPractice of #MedicalControlFrauds.

As a #MassAtrocity experts, why isn’t the State-Corporate origin of this torture & murder studied by academics like you @StudyOfGenocide @GenocideAlert @R2PJournal @kcroninfurman, @DeckofCarter @miketheidealist @SAdamsR2P @GCR2P @iact @IBVprev @SentinelProject @Rutgers_CGHR ?

So much needless #killings every year suggests a need to #investigate & expose the #corruption @CardozoCLIHHR @TAGAdvocacy @ashleykinseth @JensStappenbeck @chesaboudin @PrevGenocide @StewGlobal @UN_GP_RtoP @CPG_USHMM @EwelinaUO @SGNtweet @Genocidealert1
Victims’ suffering by other mass #atrocities by government #MandatedReporters & camouflaged #reciprocally by more government mandated reporters are studied, so why not this #ForProfit maiming & killings @BHRRC @cla_bhrrc @gbenjamin_bhrrc @Samenthe @GeorgianaEpure @bylochacon ?
Why isn’t the #systemic #CoverUp of these #HumanRights #OrganizedCrimes by #CivilRights resources studied by #MassAtrocity experts @Elisabeth7892 @standnowuk @JAndersonRoland @BudapestCentre @claireqsmith @katjfallon @GraveConcerns @KWEnglish @BinghamtonIGMAP @kelseyshantz?
The #scope & #hierarchy of the deadly #CriminalEnterprise/#QuidProQuo behind that #CriminalBusinessModel is ONLY possible by #PredicateActs of #WhiteCollar #StateCorporate #OrganizedCrimes using the exclusive means of being reciprocal #MandatedReporters, so it's easy to study
For example, the exclusive means to criminally create & transact by #MailAndWireFraud #FalseClaims & hospitals’ fraudulent outcome #metrics via forged & fictitious #PHI (#ProtectedHealthInfo) that is a key strategy to bigger crimes makes the corruption obvious & easy to study
That intentionally contrary functioning & obvious criminal goals of #MandatedReporters in direct healthcare & in regulation of healthcare seems too shocking to believe ~ until you see it's proven & validated by research of victims’ needless deaths & suffering.
For example,..
...the exclusive means to #Kill + forge/transact fake #PHI to #ObstructJustice is a key strategy in a #PsychopathicBusinessModel using #MedicalControlFraud that’s identifiable by #IllegalAgreements #CriminalIntent & #OvertActs #UnderColorOfLaw by reciprocal #MandatedReporters
This video is an overview of #CruelAndUnusual #PublicCorruption & #RegulatoryCapture needed to #TamperWithEvidence to #ObstructJustice #PREEMPTIVELY & as #RETALIATION if victims seek care to survive malicious injuries from the #WhiteCollar #StateCorporate #OrganizedCrimes...
…exclusive means using #MedicalControlFrauds to corrupt #ChecksAndBalances ~ like the monetary harm on Wall St due to #DOJ's suspicious condoning of #ControlFrauds.
Thus, insurance corp’s looting healthcare/benefits by inflicting harm is lucrative.
A criminal income motive of MDs/hospitals’ #BadFaith reporting cause of death is obvious, but CDC’s suspicious reciprocal #PatternAndPractice to obstruct data contradicts its role in #ChecksAndBalance
That’s a clue to HOW & WHY the #TrueCrime persist, escalate & its #CoverUp
@CDCgov’s #BadFaith reporting METHOD unilaterally benefiting those it is mandated to regulate defrauds the USA intentionally.
#RegulatoryCapture is WHY.
#PublicCorruption is HOW the #CDC lethally advances the profits & goals of industries & sectors it should regulate instead
#RegulatoryCapture+#PublicCorruption begin to explain WHY & HOW the CDC’s DECADES of #BadFaith impair, obstruct & defeats its functioning & other agencies too.
However, more details help to understand & expose WHY & HOW #RegulatoryCapture uses the frauds' inaccurate metrics.

Omitting metrics from municipal, state & interstate reports showing #MandatedReporters are 2nd/3rd cause of death isn’t accidental. It requires a #BadFaith METHOD for HOW to obstruct collecting it ~ that's a clue to #MOTIVE & USE of the incomplete data
The basis of #CDC’s annual list of common causes of death is #DeathCertificates issued by Drs, funeral directors, medical examiners & coroners. That's biased because the ONLY criteria used is ICD billing codes. That hides unnecessary death by human & system factors.

The #BadFaith METHOD of HOW #CauseOfDeath is tracked being limited to #ICDcodes to exclude needless death by human/system factors (as it could be linked to a hospital & health insurers) is an intentionally misleading report that 10%+ of deaths are due to unavoidable morbidity
The missing data should be capture elsewhere since #MandatedReporting requires it, but DECADES of greater needless maiming & death for profit by human & system factors reveals #MandatedReporters/#CoveredEntities' intent to violate #ChecksAndBalance laws is a systemic #CoverUp

Research shows @TheJusticeDept's #CivilRights oversight is so #corrupt that US Healthcare devolved from a profit-from-service exchange to a #slaughterhouse, lethal intentionally for max. profit, treating humans like livestock, maiming/causing 10%+ of deaths a yr. FOR DECADES.

The intent to NEVER track that the cause of 10% of deaths yearly is preventable & for profit exposes that #PatternAndPractice to #ObstructJustice & violate #ConstitutionalRights is a PREEMPTIVE #CoverUp of a #CriminalBusinessModel that relies on MDs' #CriminalPredisposition🕵️♂️
E.g. of that #CriminalPredisposition🕵️♂️is #extortion/#torture by @JeffreyRawnsley #AmanMahajan to get me to sign legal documents. I refused & they inflicted TBI in tweet27. Their employer @uchealth began #CoverUp crimes that #BLACKLIST to harm me still.
Maimed & powerless due to the preexisting corruption & PREEMPTIVE #MedicalControlFrauds’ #CoverUp, I used career skills to measure that criminality #InVivo w/ample sampling by #iterative testing. I proved the systemic State-Corp corruption & its reciprocity, eg #BLACKLISTING.

Inescapable #CoverUp crime/#Retaliation to my #whistleblowing is so frequent it’s statistically significant/predictable for future crimes by applying criminological methods to the reciprocal healthcare, #LawEnforcement & regulatory agencies’ #OrganizedCrimes #UnderColorOfLaw
E.g. of inescapable #OrganizedCrimes/#Retaliation to my #whistleblowing is so obvious the lack of subtlety should ensure my safety from the reciprocal #CoverUp crimes #UnderColorOfLaw, but due to #PublicCorruption/#RegulatoryCapture that #QuidProQuo includes #LawEnforcement.
Likewise, HOW & WHY @CDCgov blocks its tracking accurate death rate metrics to the detriment of its mandates & Americans’ safety is PREEMPTIVE #ObstructionOfJustice by suppressing/tampering with #PhysicalEvidence & #PHI that can expose #scope & #hierarchy of #PublicCorruption
Prolonged systemic #intrastate & #interstate violations of #reciprocal #ChecksAndBalances by #MandatedReporters in #healthcare, in #LawEnforcement & in regulatory #oversight of ALL of those #MandatedReporters exposes #CriminalCulture.
Thus, #CoverUp of one of the biggest...

...subsets of death for decades is to #CoverUp WHY #MedicalControlFrauds maiming/killing ppl needlessly isn’t ended & ISN’T A FLAW in reciprocal #ChecksAndBalances, but knowingly malicious features built into #MedicalCulture to put illegal profit before #ConstitutionalRights.
So many victims prove any pattern of fake #PHI/outcome metrics requires a #hierarchy & #scope of #PublicCorruption, #QuidProQuo, training & supervision to #systemically corrupt & obstruct #ChecksAndAalances, ie #RegulatoryCapture & #CriminallyFraudulentPrivateMarketDiscipline
Due to intentionally misleading #DeathRate metrics for DECADES, ppl in US can't anticipate/escape malicious harm by MDs, hospitals & health insurers because #Regulatory/#LawEnforcement mandated to prevent the crimes/protect victims are enabling it/protect the #Perps instead!

The #PatternAndPractice of #MedicalControlFraud is so #incriminating that the #scope of #CoverUp (e.g, #PublicCorruption of #DeathRate data for DECADES) exposes more #CivilRights crimes #UnderColorOfLaw in state & federal agencies, NGOs & #PublicOfficials.
Systemic #cruelty + #criminality by so many #MandatedReporters is shocking because systemic #MedicalControlFraud condoned/suborned & abetted by regulatory/oversight agencies & #PublicOfficials reveals systemic disdain for #HumanRights
The #DeathRate #DataFraud shows you that

How can a victim protect oneself @KenRoth @rolc_usc, @UN_HRC, @NLADA, @QuattroneCenter, @openfilesite; from the #scope, #hierarchy & #cruelty of the #intentional & prolonged #reciprocal corruption of fundamental Constitutional #ChecksAndBalances that makes it impossible to...
...anticipate/escape the #OrganizedCrimes’ #HumanRights abuses #UnderColorOfLaw?
It's worse than #TooBigToJail! @RESCUEorg @hrfalerts @humanrightslaw @DukeCSJ @humanrights1st @hhrjournal @witnessorg @mdb2
Due to #PublicCorruption+#RegulatoryCapture, #Perps’ only fear is...
..#retaliation if they don’t #condone/#suborn the #CruelAndUnusual crimes
Why don’t academics/NGOs try to save victims @FAMMFoundation @Justice_Collab @miriamkrinsky @MarshallProj @NLADA @brandonlgarrett @southerncenter @IntlCrimCourt @FrontLineHRD @hrfalerts @HarvardLawHRP?
This is the end of the #DeathRate #DataFraud thread, so start at the beginning to learn more about the significance of the studies in this video
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