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Mar 14th 2020
Minerals make healthcare possible in ways you might not realize. For example, #aluminum has been an adjuvant in vaccines since the 1930s - it makes them more effective by strengthening immune system response so we need fewer doses to build immunity.
#nspoli #cbpoli #NovaScotia Image
#Copper’s antimicrobial properties help reduce the spread of bacteria and infections. It's often used on doorknobs and handrails in public buildings and on bed rails and call buttons in hospitals. It's also an essential nutrient for your body.
#nspoli #NovaScotia #cbpoli Image
#Gold is used in pacemakers, heart stents, dentistry and medical equipment because it doesn't corrode, it's antibacterial and our bodies don't react to it. Gold nanoparticles diagnose and treat cancer and HIV. Gold is in all medical electronics.
#nspoli #cbpoli #Novascotia Image
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