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Mar 14th 2019
Today is #WorldKidneyDay, so here is a thread about living on #dialysis & #OrganDonation. My name is Belinda Otas. I’m #African. I’m #Nigerian. I'm #Benin. I’m #British & I’m #Black. Beyond the nationalities or passports with my name, I also believe in our shared humanity.
I was 16, when I was diagnosed with End Stage Renal Failure (ESRF.) I had no idea what was happening to me because at the time, it made no sense. However, I remember the pain of that period like noonday. I lived on dialysis until i was 22. #dialysis #OrganDonation #renalhealth
It took over my teenage years. I don’t remember having much of a life as a teenager because dialysis was 3x a week & every session was 4hrs. Add the time it takes to recover from being exhausted by the process, my day was pretty much over. #dialysis #OrganDonation #renalhealth
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