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Jun 16th 2020
Wow...look at who pops up in the ‘Active Measures’ video on Prime, @BorisJohnson - it’s #JackWakefield’s former boss, #DmytroFirtash! Wakefield is #DominicCummings’ brother-in-law & Firtash helps #Putin launder #Russian money! #ReleaseTheRussianReport

#Firtash is friends with #PaulManafort who was #DonaldTrump’s campaign manager - Manafort was imprisoned for corruption and fraud. Manafort helped to launder money in US for #Firtash and indirectly #Putin.

#ReleaseTheRussianReport ImageImageImageImage
#Firtash bought the Brompton Road Tube Station at the eleventh hour. The redevelopment of disused tube stations was a (flagging) project for #BorisJohnson during his time as Mayor of #London. Firtash came out of nowhere to buy the station, bypassing the bidding process
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