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Jun 16th 2020
Wow...look at who pops up in the ‘Active Measures’ video on Prime, @BorisJohnson - it’s #JackWakefield’s former boss, #DmytroFirtash! Wakefield is #DominicCummings’ brother-in-law & Firtash helps #Putin launder #Russian money! #ReleaseTheRussianReport

#Firtash is friends with #PaulManafort who was #DonaldTrump’s campaign manager - Manafort was imprisoned for corruption and fraud. Manafort helped to launder money in US for #Firtash and indirectly #Putin.

#ReleaseTheRussianReport ImageImageImageImage
#Firtash bought the Brompton Road Tube Station at the eleventh hour. The redevelopment of disused tube stations was a (flagging) project for #BorisJohnson during his time as Mayor of #London. Firtash came out of nowhere to buy the station, bypassing the bidding process
Read 46 tweets
Feb 16th 2020
Who is Prasenjit Singh Kumar.? How is he connected to #Russia and #BorisJohnson is he a #RussianAsset .? What does he have to do with the #russianreport .? | Thread 🧵
More Connections Between #BorisJohnson Johnson and
#Russian Influencers Emerge #prasenjitsinghkumar
While Parliament’s Intelligence Security Committee report into Russian influence on British public life remains suppressed by the PM and his advisor Dominic Cummings, Byline Times has uncovered concerning new connections between Boris Johnson and a network of wealthy oligarchs.
Read 81 tweets
Dec 10th 2019
Russian Report EP3 | Susie Boniface: @BorisJohnson Russia links @KremlinRussia_E must be made public before the General Election this Thursday #ReleaseTheRussiaReport
The report @BorisJohnson is sitting on should be leaked by a whistleblower in the national interest. Voters about to choose the next government have a right to know what's been going on as after the general election 🗳 it’s too late 👇🏼 #ReleaseTheRussiaReport #GE2019
Since 2004, Russian trolls, service providers, security services and shady businessmen have been linked to political interference in 27 countries worldwide. #Russia
Read 39 tweets
Dec 8th 2019
Brandon Lewis (Great Yarmouth)
Received donations totalling £64,500 from Russian Kremlin Oligarchs Alexander Temerko & Chernukin
Security Minister. #ReleaseTheRussianReport #GE19
Robert Buckland (South Swindon)
Founder member of the Conservative Friends of Russia in 2012. Received donation of £5,000 from Kremlin-linked Oligarch Alexander Temerko in 2015. #ReleaseTheRussianReport
Nigel Evans (Ribble Valley) Founder member of the Conservative Friends of Russia 2012 Supporter of Vote Leave & Leave means Leave. #ReleaseTheRussianReport
Read 6 tweets
Dec 7th 2019
How it is possible that @BorisJohnson is being investigated in the USA for potentially being compromised but nobody in the United Kingdom including the #bbcqt #media #Police have investigated this #crime #Brexit the #GeneralElection is days away #ReleaseTheRussianReport
The intrigue over a 'buried' probe into Russian spying deepened last night amid claims in security circles that it contains references to blackmail fears concerning Boris Johnson. #ReleaseTheRussianReport
One expert witness, who gave evidence to the ISC inquiry, has claimed privately to friends that he believes Boris Johnson was 'compromised' by a Russian businessman on a foreign trip in 2016
This is getting crazier 😱 #ReleaseTheRussianReport #GeneralElection2019 #GetJohnsonGone
Read 88 tweets
Dec 4th 2019
UK according to Putin - Nine Russian business people who gave money to the Conservative Party, named in secret intelligence report on the threats posed to UK democracy, suppressed by Downing Street Boris Johnson.
Oligarchs & other wealthy Tory donors were included in the report.
Suppressed #RussiaReport highlights illicit Russian activities in Britain by cross-party intelligence committee.
Some Russian donors personally close to UK prime Minister Boris Johnson.
Alexander Temerko, who has worked for the Kremlin's defence ministry, gifted £1.2m to Tories.
Alexander Temerko who has spoken warmly about his friend Boris Johnson.
MPs on the ISC, which conducted an 18-month inquiry, were also briefed on Alexander Lebedev, the former KGB spy in London.
Lebedev's son Evgeny invited Johnson when foreign secretary to parties. @GCHQ @NSAGov
Read 21 tweets
Nov 23rd 2019
BBC whistleblower: BBC suppressing Russia stories

We all saw how @bbcquestiontime manipulated questions on #ReleaseTheRussiaReport, with the help of Fiona Bruce.

Fiona Bruce let @BorisJohnson not answer the question.

@Ofcom @Channel4News @itvnews…
@bbcquestiontime @BorisJohnson @Ofcom @Channel4News @itvnews 2/
John Sweeney is being very brave and has filed a complaint against the BBC with @Ofcom reference BBC manipulation on the story covering the #RussianReport

@bbcquestiontime @BorisJohnson @Ofcom @Channel4News @itvnews 3/
BBC investigations were also dropped into:
Lord Mandelson;
John Whittingdale;
Arron Banks;
Roman Abramovich;
Tommy Robinson;
Boris Johnson links with Russian oligarchs;
Seumas Milne links with the Kremlin.


Read 14 tweets
Nov 10th 2019
Are the Daily Mail, Daily Express, the Sun and the BBC going to cover this because it seems to me people blindly supporting Johnson and his crew outside Twitter need to be informed on all this and so much more ? #ReleaseTheRussiaReport
I think the media must accept some of the responsibility for just how badly informed people are. Finally we are seeing some challenges to the lies and extraordinary claims made by politicians on Brexit and the economy and the influences on the dodgy referendum of 2016.
With some notable exceptions too many political journalists have put the drama of division and cult of personality above getting sensible and accurate information out to the people of the UK. Breathless cooing over tory psychodrama has turned politics into celeb “reality”TV.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 6th 2019
“I have a sacred right to throw stones. Throwing stones is an expression of freedom, so nothing should stop me throwing stones. And I have no responsibility whatever for where the stones fall or for the damage they may cause”.…
The same line than Koch-funded campaign "We Must Have the Freedom to Hate"
(Yes, they mean: "The Freedom to Stir Up Hatred")
Read 7 tweets

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