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Jun 19th 2020
It’s been an interesting week for #rulesoforigin with the @Foodanddrinkfed and @nabim_flour proposal coming out.

Here is a longish 🧵on the proposal and on origin in general


First of all, the paper is a brilliant piece of work. It’s clear, super well researched and the proposed provisions are well thought through.

Worth noting - it’s not common for an industry body(ies) to come out with a fully-fledged draft origin protocol.

It’s sometimes very hard to get companies to engage when formulating sectoral RoO recommendations (trust me!) and industry input is really needed – so just want to commend the authors on this fantastic report.

Read 24 tweets
Feb 25th 2020
"EU producers and authorities don't issue VI1 documents within the EU and there is not enough infrastructure (labs, inspectors) to do so, certainly not by January 1, 2021. VI1 documents are .... a protectionist measure to make life more difficult for non-EU suppliers of wine".
This is *one example* of a Non-Tariff Barrier (NTB) to trade.

They are MUCH more problematic than tariffs.

So when the Government claims victory on a zero-tariff Trade Agreement - look at the Large print on #RulesofOrigin and other docs required.
These NTBs are what will cause many UK importers and exporters to go bust.

#LiarJohnson doesn't do detail or small print.

#IDS has said we don't have qualified negotiators to do it, either.


#BrexitOwnIt Day25
Read 3 tweets
Feb 6th 2020
With the #UKCoordinationGroup & #EPlenary about to adopt a resolution on the EU-UK future relationship, here are some elements which would be of great help to integrated supply chains & logistics on both sides of the border @davidmcallister @berndlange @CHansenEU @EP_Trade 1/
1. 1st, a #transport agreement is an absolute must @davidmcallister @berndlange @CHansenEU @KarimaDelli : without an agreement, there is no fallback to allow traffic by road, rail & air freight to continue. Without it, planes won't fly & a very small number of EU & UK vehicles 2/
(trucks & vans) cld ever cross the border relying on a very limited number of ECMT permits (wouldn't even cover 5% of the traffic). The situation is just as serious for the island of Ireland since #transport is not dealt with in the Protocol part of the withdrawal agreement 3/
Read 15 tweets
Jun 18th 2018
Lords begins consideration of Commons changes to Lords amendments to EU Withdrawal Bill - minister Lord Callanan says customs union already repeatedly considered
Baroness Smith of Basildon "The Lords should not engage in ping pong lightly" - Lords performing constiutional role
"When Dutch Govt is advising its manufacturers not to buy components form UK because our future customs relationship with EU is unclear, we know there is a problem that needs to be addressed urgently," says Baroness Smith re Sky News #rulesoforigin story…
Read 17 tweets
Jun 5th 2018
Live on Sky News Tonight - new #BrexitForensics story as European Governments issue advice to their exporters not to use parts from Britain - Top car exec tells me “catastrophe” for UK auto
Dutch Government official advice to its business community warns its manufacturers “if a large part of your product consists of parts from the UK” they may lose free trade terms for exports.

“After Brexit, parts made in UK no longer count towards this minimum production in EU”
The Government would argue that this is premature, but the likes of the Dutch are already advising their manufacturers to reduce dependence on UK:
“Trade with the UK will become more difficult after Brexit... consider looking for alternatives”
Read 13 tweets

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