“After Brexit, parts made in UK no longer count towards this minimum production in EU”
“Trade with the UK will become more difficult after Brexit... consider looking for alternatives”
“opps for market access for UK competitors are deteriorating. Their access to EU countries is deteriorating. Your UK competitors may also not be able to use EU trade agreements. Check whether to strengthen your competitive position in these markets”
Full document: ec.europa.eu/taxation_custo…

Eg safety valve manufacturer in Bristol “Seetru” said there was an “oh my god” moment when they realised that their customers in Europe couldn’t buy from them and didnt have the infrastructure to deal with expected UK certificates of origin
But this is just Part 1.
Part 2 coming up on All out Politics at 10am including -
- a recent UK trade negotiator explaining the warnings, ignored, given to top of Government
- and why post Brexit British cars, arent
Also @SamuelMarcLowe with Adam Boulton after my #brexitforensics part 2 at 10am on two way trouble for Brexit on Rules of Origin...