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Dec 19th 2022
"Locals of the Baiga community and Gond tribes used to kill deer and sell the meat for a few bucks to support their needs. I just provided them with an alternative."⁠

#Award #Proud #Respect #Wildlife #Protection #Forest #Bhopal #India Image
Even after getting death threats, 58-YO Deputy Ranger Sumeri Lal Yadav busted the #Sambar hunting practice going on in Dongariya village & played a pivotal role in wildlife protection. He also rehabilitated the hard-ground Barasingha on the land of #JhoBarasingha.⁠
As a result of his initiatives, over 90% of the community has given up hunting. Ranger Yadav has also been honoured with Satpuda Landscape Tiger Partnership Conservation Hero Award by the #MadhyaPradesh Forest Department.⁠
Read 4 tweets
Dec 17th 2022
"Locals of the Baiga community and Gond tribes used to kill deer and sell the meat for a few bucks to support their needs. I just provided them with an alternative."

#Award #Proud #Respect #Wildlife #Protection #Forest #Bhopal #India
Even after getting death threats, 58-YO Deputy Ranger Sumeri Lal Yadav busted the #Sambar hunting practice going on in Dongariya village & played a pivotal role in wildlife protection. He also rehabilitated the hard-ground Barasingha on the land of #JhoBarasingha.
As a result of his initiatives, over 90% of the community has given up hunting. Ranger Yadav has also been honoured with Satpuda Landscape Tiger Partnership Conservation Hero Award by the #MadhyaPradesh Forest Department.
Read 4 tweets

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