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Aug 15th 2022
Achilles' heel of Muslims are 3:

1. Unscientific ahadith (fly in the glass, sun prostrating under the throne every night). Ka'b Al Ahbar words turned into prophetic ahadith.

Generally attributed to: Abu Huraira, Ibn Abbas, Abu Darda, Abu Sa'id al Khudri.
2. Awful and crual behavior attributed to the Prophet ﷺ: great focus on jihad, killing babies is ok, murders, eyes removal, etc.

Generally made-up stories by Umayyad rulers in order to justify their own ruthlessness, and Ibn Ishaq's legends he transmitted.

All false.
3. Compromission with idolaters: Prophet ﷺ allegedly eating meat sacrificed to the idols during jahiliya, satanic verses story, and other made up stories.

Again, all false, but it requires detailed investigation in every case.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 13th 2022
Top free #DataScience resources :

1. CS109 Data Science…

2. Data Science Essentials…

3. Learning From Data from California Institute of Technology
4. Mathematics for Machine Learning by University of California, Berkeley…

5. Foundations of Data Science by Avrim Blum, John Hopcroft, and Ravindran Kannan…

6. Python Data Science Handbook… #Data #india
7. CS 221 ― Artificial Intelligence…

8. Ten Lectures and Forty-Two Open Problems in the Mathematics of Data Science…

9. Python for Data Analysis by Boston University…
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