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Jan 5th 2023
This is related. Beggars belief right?…
It is already starting here. You may wonder why folk would stir up such obvious lies about schools? It is so hugely profitable to destroy our state education, same as state healthcare
Read 40 tweets
Aug 16th 2022
“Perhaps even more damaging in the longer term will be the social, emotional and behavioural impacts of missing out on classroom learning and formative experiences during the lockdowns.”…
Consecutive Governments’ education policy has failed. That’s a bitter pill to swallow; an uncomfortable truth. This isn’t blame, it’s fact. Those in corridors of power scratch heads - where and why and how has it gone wrong? And what do we need to change? A few suggestions:
1. Data is useful but is fallible, riddled with collection bias, blinkered, can lack context & can raise more questions than it seeks to solve. It can dehumanise & lacks qualitative detail, leaving a view of homogeneous data points in place of organic unique unpredictable beings.
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Jul 15th 2022
As a fledgling org & with attendance & persistent absence largely ignored until we started campaigning in 2018, this has been an eye opening (if not intense) experience for Square Peg and all families wishing to raise their concerns about these areas in #SchoolsBill. But…
…what it’s enabled is authentic & meaningful engagement & participation by the public with the Upper House. Parents & carers have been able to (and will continue to) exercise and leverage their power as constituents & grassroots lobbyists.
This is enormously important as it demonstrates relevance & direct action to ordinary people who may have held an opinion about politics or the House of Lords as being inaccessible or unnecessary.
Read 10 tweets
Jul 14th 2022
Presenteeism is anti public health and social responsibility. It increases community transmission & places clinically vulnerable groups at risk. It increases burden to the NHS. It’s poor form as some would say.…
Under 100% attendance aspirations, advice to schools which flows to parents is they must send their child into school with Covid (or other symptoms such as conjunctivitis, tonsillitis, slapped cheek, hand foot & mouth etc).
Parental authority & right to determine fitness to attend is questioned left right & centre. Super Nanny State is bullying families. The #schoolsbill determines to charge LAs & schools they MUST work to reduce the number & duration of EVERY absence.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 15th 2022
In the House of Lords, academies minister @dianabarran says in light of 'strength of feeling' about the #schoolsbill, she intends to 'clarify and confirm the government’s position' at report stage (supposed to happen next month)
@dianabarran No further detail on what this clarification will involve - opposition peers trying to get a sense of the scale - but does sound like government is considering some pretty hefty changes to the bill following huge backlash from peers across the chamber #schoolsbill
@dianabarran No word either on whether the government will allow the bill to go back to committee for consideration if major changes are made. Govt playing its cards close to its chest, but suspect the #schoolsbill will look very different in a couple of months
Read 6 tweets
Jun 15th 2022
So yesterday I received this forwarded message outlining some very concerning parts of the government's new #SchoolsBill, smuggled in in the recent Queen's Speech.

This bill seems to be an OUTRAGEOUS infringement on the rights of parents who want to home educate.
The bill is currently at committe stage in the Lord's.

And yet I've been amazed to find virtually no media coverage on this. Why? Have people just lost it in the midst of all the other current fiascos?
How is this happening under a TORY government?

@spectator - you love criticising Boris' expasnion of the state. Where's your coverage here?

@NewStatesman - you're the leading Labour mag. Where's your coverage?

@unherd - this is totally your bag. Where's your coverage?
Read 10 tweets
May 22nd 2022
Let's take a look at the dangerous power grab that is Part 3 Clause 48 of the #SchoolsBill… And be very clear from the start: this is NOT a register of only children who are not on school rolls today. It is far bigger. #SafetyNotSurveillance (Thread 1/25) Image
What is different from today?

Today: Local authorities have a duty under the Education Act 1996 to establish the identity of children in their area who are not registered pupils at a school and are not receiving suitable education otherwise… #SchoolsBill Image
Today: If any child is extraordinarily taken off the school roll, the Local Authorities track this deregistration under fifteen different categories as set out in the Pupil Registration (England) Regulations 2006… (image p24-25 Bristol Council CME Guidance) ImageImage
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