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Mar 19th 2020
Last night, @realDonaldTrump signed the #FamiliesFirst #Coronavirus Response Act into law.

So, I want to tell you why I voted for this package & how it will help #WorkingFamilies across the US.

1️⃣ Ensures FREE #COVID19 testing for everyone who needs it, including the uninsured.
2️⃣ Increases #Medicaid funding to help local, state, tribal & territorial health systems.

3️⃣ Enhances Unemployment Insurance, provides 2 weeks of #PaidSickLeave, up to 3 months of family/medical leave for eligible workers & fully reimburses #SmallBusinesses for providing leave.
4️⃣ Strengthens nutrition initiatives like #SNAP, #StudentMeals, #SeniorsMeals & #FoodBanks.

All these measures will help those hit hardest by #COVID19 like low-income, hourly & gig workers.

@HouseDemocrats will continue passing bills #ForThePeople to get us through this crisis.
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