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Apr 26th 2021
Thread-Vacine drama
Why US banned raw material export to India 1st?
Why now suddenly they agreed to help?
Man behind it- #NarendraModi, a leader who knows how to,Silently. The one who perform best under pressure&is master of diplomacy.
Since start of India's #VaccinationDrive ,India was emerging a global leader in #VaccineDiplomacy .
India under its Vaccine Maitri campaign started shipping its Made in India #CovishieldVaccine to world.
Till now India has provided its vaccine to more than 90 countries.
B4 Covid-19 vaccines were developed,India supplied some 100 countries with hydroxychloroquine& paracetamol,and sent pharmaceuticals,test kits&other equipment to around 90 countries.India was emerging as global pharmaceutical powerhouse&#Modiji as powerfull leader.
Read 19 tweets
Jan 3rd 2021
"It would make every Indian proud that the two vaccines that have been given emergency use approval are made in India! This shows the eagerness of our scientific community to fulfil the dream of an Aatmanirbhar Bharat, at the root of which is care and compassion.": tweets PM Modi
#CovidVaccine | #DCGI granting approval to vaccines of #SerumInstituteofIndia and #BharatBiotech accelerates the road to COVID-free nation: PM Modi

#CovidVaccine | India's drugs regulator approves #Oxford's #COVID19vaccine #Covishield and Bharat Biotech's #Covaxin for restricted emergency use

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