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Aug 4th 2021
I've debated tweeting about this, but, it's been a few days and this is still on my mind, so.

Let's chat SFF writer's workshops, wheelchairs and belonging, shall we?

This might get long.
Last week I heard about an upcoming writer's retreat in Iceland in November hosted by Frameworks Workshop. Limited to 15 writers.

Covid aside, I knew I probably couldn't afford it, but, intrigued, I clicked on the link anyway.
Gorgeous facility. Two award winning instructors, including a multiple Hugo winner. Wine tastings. Writing time. A possible road trip. Yay!

I kept scrolling.
Read 25 tweets
Jan 2nd 2021
General Bipin Rawat #CDS visited forward #AirForce bases in #EasternSector & interacted with #IndianArmy, #ITBP & #SFF soldiers deployed at the forward most air maintained post in #DibangValley & #LohitSector of #ArunachalPradesh. (1/3)
#CDS complimented the soldiers for the innovative measures adopted to maintain effective #surveillance and enhanced #operational readiness. He exhorted All Ranks to continue working with same zeal and enthusiasm.(2/3)
#CDS said that only Indian soldiers could remain vigilant under such #challenging situations, ever willing to go well beyond the call of duty to safeguard the borders. Nothing can deter the Indian Armed Forces on remaining steadfast in their call for duty. (3/3)
Read 3 tweets
Apr 3rd 2019
I have cited AO3's taxonomy and archiving systems as models at academic linguistics conferences because they are IMPRESSIVE as usable, durable, well-designed systems, and frankly academia could stand to learn from fandom here
Here's an example: rights transfer and orphaning

Academic archives are patchy when the original depositor of the data dies or doesn't want to be responsible for it anymore. AO3 has a whole system in place to transfer fic to another user or leave it up without your name attached
I was literally at a conference a few years ago when an academic was like "oh yeah we just don't know how to deal with rights transfer at our archive" and I pulled up AO3's orphaning policy as a model
Read 16 tweets

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