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No último dia 23 de Setembro, o SnyderCutBR completou 2 anos de sua existência. Criado com a ideia de trazer informações sobre o #SnyderCut para os fãs brasileiros, iniciou timidamente no Twitter, para meses depois ocupar as demais plataformas como: Instagram, Facebook, Telegram+ Image
+Youtube e Podcast, tornando-se posteriormente o portal sobre o diretor Zack Snyder.

É com muito orgulho que nos mantemos com uma equipe enxuta, preocupada sempre em trazer as informações, cuidando para pontuar o que é rumor, achismo ou fato. +
Hoje, temos a felicidade de sermos convidados para assistirmos filmes em primeira mão, pois os estúdios encaram que é interessante também obter a opinião de uma equipe, que é fã de um cineasta, para outras obras.+
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Next up is @hasheddan and @ImJasonH with Registries After Dark Pt. 2. #KubeCon
Oh Jason couldn’t be here but helped prepare it, hi @ImJasonH if you’re watching :) #KubeCon
We’re starting off with How A Computer Works (I would like to know this). #KubeCon
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🎬 L’année touche à sa fin, et il est temps pour moi de faire mon #TopFilms de 2021 🧵
C’est la première année que je me plie à cet exercice, et il n’a pas été simple de choisir parmi les 50 films que j’ai découverts ces derniers mois en salle (merci le CinéPass @PatheGaumont !), auxquels il faut ajouter 23 sorties VOD.
Il est toujours bon de le rappeler : ce top est purement personnel et n’a pas pour vocation à lister les meilleurs films sortis en 2021 mais plutôt les films que j’ai préférés parmi ceux que j’ai eu l’occasion de voir.

Et on commence tout de suite avec...
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“The 2017 theatrical cut was an act of vandalism,” #JusticeLeague screenwriter Chris Terrio says. “@ZackSnyder may be too much of a gentleman to say that, but I’m not.” An exclusive Q&A:
Breaking five years of silence, the screenwriter gets brutally honest about how the theatrical releases of his DC films Batman v Superman and Justice League turned into total fiascos.
Terrio says #BvS and #JusticeLeague were undermined by corporate meddling, poor franchise planning, and tone-deaf studio decisions that opted for expensive VFX scenes over coherent storytelling.
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Just about every scene with women in 2017's #JusticeLeague undermines a woman's power, strength, and agency.

#ZackSnydersJusticeLeague fixes that.
Changes to Wonder Woman's opening scene in 2017 diminished her power and strength as a demigod. Image
Imagine thinking you needed to change THIS. Image
Read 23 tweets
Watching Snyder Cut and my reaction so far after 30 minutes is: so much worse money thrown after bad money
Would anyone understand anything that’s going on in this movie if they hadn’t watched the prior, also bad version
Snyder Cut is like someone ate a comic shop and all of the fanboys in it then regurgitated onto a 4:3 screen for four straight hours
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I finished the #SnyderCut. It’s terrible. It’s terrible film-making. Boring, incoherent, sullen, flabby, jeopardy free, poe-faced, crap CGI, shit cinematography, baffling fight choreography, and boring. Did I mention how boring it is?
I am a big fan of Cavill as Soops, and GG as WW, but this is arboreal acting – not their fault, the script is charmless and vapid. The zingers don’t zing, the rousing speeches are tiring. Cap does it, Rocket/Ant-Man swoon. Bats does one and worlds beg for Darkseid's sweet release
Falcon and the Winter Soldier is everything that this is not. It’s fun, funny, charming, moving, and cool. It actually builds on the world, and develops the characters, with real world consequences.
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Okay, so the big movie release of the week is #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague.

It’s... fine. Big, messy, sprawling, sweeping, exposition-laden, indulgent, mythic. I reviewed it here for @EscapistMag.

As #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague is a four-hour film, and because I am somebody who has lots of thoughts about regular-length movies anyway, I wrote more about it.

Notably, however you feel about Snyder, the restoration of his vision should be celebrated.…
What’s interesting about Snyder’s work on the DCEU, from “Man of Steel” to The #SnyderCut, is that it exists in conversation with the characters’ history.

In particular, Richard Donner and Richard Lester’s “Superman II” is a cornerstone of the DCEU.…
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Okay -- watched the #JusticeLeagueSnyderCut -- my tl;dr thoughts...

Overall pros - definitely better than theatrical release, better character dev, cooler teaser moments

Overall cons - Some exposition material that didn't add much value in the first half, some meh music moments
But honestly, I'm more intrigued by the story around how this happened than the movie itself. This is the first situation I'm aware of that had a fan campaign for a rerelease actually result in a big budget do-over. This petitions are always started and typically go nowhere.
I don't know that Snyder and WB will rekindle the marriage, or for that matter, that they want to. But the teasers within the movie (you who've watched it know what I mean) are much more interesting to me than anything DC has been trying to tantalize me with so far...
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Interesting that this is called the #SnyderCut seeing as Snyder does not seem to have cut anything from this film.
I don't *think* it's supposed to be funny that the movie is so pointlessly slow that half of it is randomly in actual slow motion, but I'm not entirely sure.
watching this movie reminds me of the marathon i ran.
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I promised myself that I wasn't going to do it, but I'm going to aren't I. I hate myself. Sigh.
Oh god it's so boring already. I miss WandaVision.

And Aquaman totally just revealed Batman's secret identity.
I give up. I'm bored. And why is it 4:3? My eyes aren't 4:3.

I'm going to look at transcripts of the Nuremberg trials. Actually true.
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Excited to see the Snyder Cut. But ahead of its debut – and with the aid of a good amount of #AviationGin - tonight at 6pm EST I’ll do something I’ve never done: actually watch Green Lantern. Happy #StPatricksDay
It’s apparently the only fucking movie in existence that’s not streaming anywhere so you’re SOL if you want to watch along. But I’m going deep. #GinnerAndAMovie #AviationGin
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Okay, let ,me tell you about JLA. There won’t be any #SnyderCut spoilers, this is about the concept.

When I was a kid, I lived on a farm, and we were poor. All I wanted to do was read, so I read everything I could find, but I read a lot I didn’t love because it was there. 1/
My mom took me to a garage sale, there was a little stack of comics being sold for almost nothing. I saw an older comic and I just couldn’t look away. I begged to get it. I didn’t know who the characters were. It was this comic.
I fell in love with comics that same night. I read that comic an untold number of times (I am ashamed to say I cut out some of the art and put it on my wall). I had to know who all the characters were, I made little notecards to add information as I learned about them.

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@DCcomicsID 1. Berhubung udah ada kisi-kisi dari netizen, jadi kucoba langsung eksekusi. Di My Telkomsel ada dua pilihan murah yang punya HBO Go yakni Maxstream Gala Plus dan Maxstream HBO Go. Karena selisih harga dua ribu tapi lebih banyak benefitnya Gala Plus, itu yang kubeli. ImageImage
@DCcomicsID @ZackSnyder @HBOAsia 2. Notifikasi berlangganan juga dikirim via sms. Berlangganan Maxstream Gala Plus termasuk Platinum @vidio, VIP @iflixID, langganan Sushiroll dan Genflix. Anehnya nggak ada sms khusus langganan @HBOAsia sudah aktif. 🤔🤔🤔 Image
@DCcomicsID @ZackSnyder @HBOAsia @vidio @iflixID 3. Karena penasaran, langsung kubuka apps HBO Go. Masuk ke berlangganan, dan pilih metode pembayaran yang 'Sambungkan Langganan HBO kamu', pilih @Telkomsel. Image
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Servicetweet: Wie zu erwarten wird der #SnyderCut ab 18. März auf SKY Cinema und im SKY Ticket zu sehen sein.

Ab 20. Mai auch auf anderen Plattformen als VoD.
Passend dazu mein neues #Superman-Video...
...und was in #ZackSnydersJusticeLeage wirklich anders ist:
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The Chapters. Part 1: “Don’t Count On It, Batman” #SnyderCut
Part 2: The Age Of Heroes #SnyderCut
Part 3: Beloved Mother, Beloved Son #SnyderCut
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Como, possivelmente, você conseguirá alugar #SnyderCut por R$ 3,90 no Google Filmes.

O usuário @OneLecn deu essa super dica, testamos e não é que deu certo?

A Google Filmes está dando um cupom onde o aluguel de qualquer filme, sai por R$3,90.

Acesse a Play Store, clique nas 3 listras da parte superior esquerda e em seguida "Abrir Play Filmes" (ou você pode abrir diretamente no app Google Filmes). Agora pronto, é só resgatar seu cupom que receberá o aviso que poderá alugar qualquer filme por apenas R$ 3,90.

Detalhe, a promoção expira dia 19 de Março. Favorável, não? Já que o filme será lançado dia 18.

Para quem tem iPhone ou iPad, abra o navegador do dispositivo móvel (como o Safari) e acesse


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The #SnyderCut trailer succinctly summarizes a meta-political and theological vision.

Stage 1: "God is Dead"—Superman/Christ sacrifices himself so we can live. And in Snyder's imagination, God is dead—and we killed Him! The Jewish-presenting Lex Luthor, possed by jealously and human-centric commitments, subjects Christ to withering critique and dastardly schemes.
Interestingly, Snyder depicts the Death of Jesus as also leading to the destruction of the Classical world, represented by Diana ("Wonder Woman") and Themyscira.
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Olá, me chamo Danilo e sou o idealizador do primeiro Podcast brasileiro totalmente voltado ao #SnyderCut
Vai ser um prazer ter você como ouvinte.
Um bate papo semanal sobre #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague e muito mais! O primeiro ep sai 15/01 em múltiplas plataformas!

Links no Fio👇 Image
Estamos no Anchor
Também estamos no queridinho Spotfy! Segue lá 😁🤭…
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Filme com temas parecidos com os de First Cow, mas com mais camadas que refletem choques culturais grandes nas dificuldades intrafamiliares dos personagens. Interessante, mas não muito do meu gosto. 8.5/10 Image
Spider-Man (PS4)

A primeira sequência de balançadas que você encaixa arrepia MUITO. Jogo delicioso, te põe mesmo na pele do Aranha. E a história é boa também! 9/10 Image

Chloé Zhao sabe usar paisagens amplas, lindas e vazias com música triste como poucos. Frances McDormand está incrível, mas não é um filme do meu gosto. 8/10 Image
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Thread dos filmes/séries/livros/quadrinhos que vi/li em 2021:

Começar o ano com filme bom é ótimo, mas quando o filme é MUITO bom, melhor ainda! História+Folclore+Amizade+Natureza+Religião+Liberdade+Jaulas (Apple TV) 10/10 Image
Star Wars: A Resistência (1a Temporada)

Começo fraco, um pouco de filler demais pro meu gosto, mas cresce quando investe no lore (se passa durante os eventos de ep 7). Pena mesmo perder chance de investir em emoções reais em momentos chave, mas SW em cell shading é lindão. 7/10 Image
Read 111 tweets
🧵 THREAD | A Liga da Justiça de Zack Snyder e o futuro do DC Multiverse no cinema.

Um resumo de tudo o que se sabe até agora sobre o Snyderverse. ImageImage
🎬 Desde 20 de Maio, após o anúncio do lançamento de #SnyderCut estamos recebendo diversas notícias. E agora, oficialmente o corte será chamado como "Zack Snyder's Justice League", recentemente confirmada pelo @THR.
🎬 O filme será adaptado em formato de minissérie para @hbomax em 4 episódios. Snyder mencionou que poderemos ter DVD/Blu Ray.

🎬 Os 214 minutos se tornarão mais longos, Snyder mencionou em algum momento que isso poderia aumentar, mas nunca diminuir a duração. Image
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¡Hilo semanal de ilusión de productividad! Esta semanita de #contenido estuvo menos cargada, pero empezó con algo especial: una participación en el @podcastreboot de @Ed_Marin hablando dos horas x reloj del final de #TheLastOfUs2.…
El lunes en #TPLT hablé de TODO con @srlerner y @Angiedalessio: precios de juegos, el futuro de Warner, y el AAA de #HarryPotter feat. nuestro nuevo personaje favorito, Hermión.… Image
El martes terminé el especial de #ConsolasCondenadas en @culturageek con mi fracaso favorito: #SegaDreamcast. IT'S THINKING:…
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