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Scientists investigate “the potential impact of #StratosphericAerosolIntervention (#SAI) on the spatiotemporal behavior of large-scale climate teleconnection patterns using simulations from the CESM1 & CESM2).” 
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“The leading empirical orthogonal function of #SST anomalies indicates that #GHG forcing is accompanied by increases in variance across both the North Atlantic (i.e., AMO) & North Pacific (i.e., PDO) and a decrease over the tropical Pacific (i.e., ENSO),” researchers inferred.
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“However, #StratosphericAerosolInjection (#SAI) effectively reverses these global-warming-imposed changes.”
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🚨New Paper Alert🚨
Heureux de vous annoncer la publication d'une étude conduite avec des collègues du #CNRM (@meteofrance /@INSU_CNRS) revenant sur l'exceptionnel été #2022 pour les #SST sur les façades maritimes françaises.
Un 🧵 pour parler 🛰️et 🌊:
Vous vous souvenez de mon fil de l'an dernier?
Le but ici est de quantifier la réponse des #SST et d'attribuer ces extrêmes aux conditions atmosphériques en évaluant les contributions des variables atmosphériques.
Le contexte:
L'été #2022 est le 2ème été le + chaud en France depuis 1900 avec une moyenne saisonnière pour la T2m de 22.7°C.
En particulier, la France a subit 3 vagues de chaleur exceptionnelles Image
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⚡️ We often hear a lot of quick-fire misconceptions when skeptics are justifying why we haven't yet designated Russia a #StateSponsorOfTerrorism.

🧵 Read our thread on some common SST-related myths and how best to respond to them with facts:

#RussiaIsATerroristState 1/10
🇷🇺 routinely uses violence against civilian populations to achieve political goals. While 🇷🇺 actions certainly exceed what we might imagine to be "sponsoring," #SST designation triggers important legal ramifications specifically for states engaging *directly* in terrorism. 2/10
Heard that designating 🇷🇺 a #StateSponsorOfTerrorism won't do anything new? It is common for countries under consideration for SST designation to already be sanctioned in other ways - in this case, the designation would trigger critical new restrictions and sanctions... 3/10
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🌡🔥 Parce que les vagues de #chaleur impactent aussi les mers et océans. Arrêtons-nous un instant sur les importantes anomalies de #température de surface en Méditerranée Occidentale. 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞 (vague de chaleur océanique) initiée ces dernières semaines. 1/4 Image
🔺Les conséquences des fortes #chaleurs accumulées ces dernières semaines sur l’Ouest de l’#Europe sont désormais bien visibles sur les cartes de #SST. Les anomalies de #température de surface dépassent actuellement les 4°C en #Méditerranée Occidentale ! Carte @ECMWF - 2/4 Image
🔺Si cette #météo marine peut être vue comme une aubaine pour les baigneurs, cet épisode de « canicule marine » en Méd. Occ./Golfe de Gascogne, n’est pourtant pas très bon signe -> Écosystème marin déjà sous pression, limitation de l'effet rafraîchissant des brises de mer..3/4 ImageImage
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🇪🇺#EUSST contributes to protecting the safety & security of European economies, societies & citizens.

Our Operations Centres are monitoring a potential collision of two large, inactive #space objects. EU #SST estimates a probability above 1% that they may collide in two days👇
The two defunct objects are OPS 6182 (1978-042A), a meteorological #satellite🌧️🛰️ and rocket body🚀 SL-8 R/B (1981-041B). The network of EU #SST sensors📡 has been requested to observe the objects and provide additional measurements.
Stay tuned here for more updates.
⚠️Update: according to #EUSST's latest estimates using data from its surveillance radars, the close approach between #space objects SL-8 R/B & OPS 6182 expected by tomorrow will have a miss distance under 10m and a Scaled Probability of Collision over 20%! +updates to follow soon
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Here is a thread-based version of my talk at the @AeroSociety conference on 'Safeguarding Earth's Space Environment' that I hope gets some key points across about modelling #spacedebris & how it can help to identify the data we need to understand #SpaceSustainability (1/n)
Caveat: I use images as metaphors, to help with understanding of key concepts, so my slides have no words in them. (2/n)
Our models have two distinct roles: PREDICTION and UNDERSTANDING. Understanding can help us to design better models and gather more relevant data. Both of these roles are important in relation to #SST, #SpaceSafety and #SpaceSustainability (3/n)
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