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Jun 8th 2023
@ir_rkp #Korsakov @MikaLintila
#Gasgrid. #LNG alus ei tuota #kaasua, vaan varastoi #Venäjä'n, aiemmin #Baltiasta ostettua, n. 3x hintaan.
- 10v. ajalta terminaalin kokonaiskustannuksiksi arvioidaan noin €460 miljoona, eli noin €126 000 päivässä
@ir_rkp @MikaLintila @valtionomistus #GreatReset=#SuurTyöttömyys-#Hätätila
#WEF-#Marxist -ideologia lahtaa yritykset #kaasu'lla. @valtionomistus
#Gasgrid Imatra #Räikkölä vs. #Korsakov
- Korsakov on satamakaupunki ja piirikunta #Sahalini'n saaren eteläpäässä Venäjän  Sahalinin alueella. 
@ir_rkp @MikaLintila @valtionomistus #Uniper-#Gasgrid #skandaali.
#YGLs veijarit keksivät roudata kaasun #Räikkölä'n sijasta näin. @TyttiTup
#Prigorodnoje'n satama 10km #Korsakovi'n itäpuolella on #LNG'n vientiin erikoistunut satama
From: Port of #Korsakov
To: Port of #Gibraltar (->#Inkoo)
Read 19 tweets
Jun 4th 2023
@SRLucie92 @elonmusk @EU_Commission @kokoomus @vihreat @sfprkp @persut #AliBaba & #WorldBank & #IMF and 40 world wealthiest #thieves.
- Who collects all the world's #CarbonTaxes in their own #coffers?
- The World Bank - IMF is owned and controlled by NM #Rothschild and 30 to 40 of the wealthiest people in the world.
Read 10 tweets
May 11th 2023

"Among #sequestration methods, CO2 #injection into oceans is of great primacy due to the oceans’ large sequestration ability. However, there are concerns about the changes in H2O pH as CO2 is injected into oceans."

On this point new study is conducted, details🧵⬇️ ImageImage
🌊 Researchers "experimentally measure the pH and solubility at #pressures up to 400 atm, #temperatures between 283 and 298 K, and different aqueous solutions in a high-pressure #autoclave reactor."
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🌊The results of this research "indicated that increasing pressure increases the #solubility of CO2 in aqueous solutions, resulting in lower pH values. In contrast, increasing #salinity and #temperature lowers the solubility and, as a result, increases the system's pH."
3/10 Image
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May 8th 2023
"Six models are used in a recent study to analyze the climatic, environmental & socio-economic consequences of #overshooting a C budget consistent with the 1.5°C temp target along the cause-effect chain from emissions & #CarbonRemovals to climate risks & impact."
🧵 Image
"Global climatic indicators such as CO2-concentration and mean temperature closely follow the #CarbonBudget #overshoot with mid-century peaks of 50 ppmv and 0.35°C, respectively."
Findings of this study highlight that "investigating #overshoot scenarios requires temporally and spatially differentiated analysis of climate, environmental and socioeconomic systems."
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Apr 22nd 2023
@EU_Commission It's #Climate - The #FourSeasons nothing else.
#CO2 0.04% #carbondioxide, have never affected the earth's #Temperature, at least since 600 million years. #Atmosphere of Earth… Image
@EU_Commission Global #Temperature and Atmospheric #CO2 over Geologic Time - Late #Carboniferous to Early #Permian time (315-270 M yrs ago) is the only time period in the last 600 million years when both atmospheric #CO2 and #temperatures were as LOW as they are today
@EU_Commission #PragerUniversity is a 5013 non-profit conservative digital media organization. PragerU@prageru:
- What They Haven't Told You about #ClimateChange

- #Climate - The only constant is change Image
Read 16 tweets
Feb 26th 2023
Looking for an easy and economical way to reduce your household's carbon footprint?

Check out these alternative energy options that you can easily implement at home! 🧵⤵️

#solarenergy #windpower #geothermal #bioenergy #hydroenergy #carbonfootprint Looking for an easy and economical way to reduce your househ
1/ Solar power is one of the most popular alternative #energy options for households.

It's easy to install and maintain, and can significantly reduce your electricity bills. #solarenergy #gogreen ⤵️
2/ Wind power is another great #alternativeenergy option for households.

Small-scale #windturbines can be installed on your property and generate #electricity for your home. #windpower #cleanenergy ⤵️
Read 8 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
1/5 "In healthy individuals, normal #body #temperature is variable and has decreased consistently since the 1860s."…
2/5 "The #gut #microbiome is a key modulator of body temperature variation both in #health and critical illness, and is thus a major, understudied target for modulating #physiologic #heterogeneity in #sepsis."
3/5 The Carrington Event was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking from September 1 to September 2, 1859 during solar cycle 10.
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Jan 25th 2023
1/14 #Men and #women experience disease differently. This is reminiscent of #SyndromeX and other chronic disease like #MECFS, #slow #virus manifestations, and even #LongCovid and post-acute sequelae of #SARSCoV2.

A thread summary article 🧵….
2/14 "#Women are up to 75 per cent more likely to experience #adverse #reactions to #prescription #drugs than #men because of a range of differences in #traits between the #sexes, according to a new study from The #Australian #National #University (#ANU)."
3/14 "The researchers believe more should be done to take this into account when treating #diseases."
Read 16 tweets
Aug 22nd 2022
#Mediterranean marine #heatwaves in 2022... Are we finally at the end of these concatenated heat episodes?

However, remember 2003... a brief comparison shows that 2003 was worse in more than one sense🧵
The day-by-day comparison of the evolution for both years shows that MHW in 2003 covered a wider area with a higher mean intensity... At least in the western #Mediterranean

- 4ºC (June 2003) is a HUGE amount of heat stored at the sea.
- The MHW started about 15 days earlier. Image
However, due to the #ClimateCrisis the #Mediterranean is about 0.7ºC hotter now than in 2003 (yes!). This is a mean value! In some eastern places, the sea surface #temperature is more than 1ºC larger now. But the maximum category attained was in general larger in 2003 Image
Read 5 tweets
Jul 9th 2022
GFS 06Z run producing 42-43ºC as a maximum #temperature for the 17th July... here's some points of interest from a meteorological, and climatological point of view...
Plenty of discussion of whether this is realistic, or if there is some warm bias, problem with soil dryness/ feedback loops etc.

But, f/c 850mb temperatures are around 27-28ºC - assuming this is at 5000 ft (actually around 5150 ft) supports 42-43ºC in a well mixed atmosphere.
Looking at Herstmonceux #climate though, indicates that this air mass would be an extraordinary 5-6ºC higher than anything recorded since 2000 (and likely ever).

The highest since 12Z 28th June 2019 (22.6ºC)
Read 6 tweets
Jun 19th 2022
Environ 180 records mensuels et 16 records absolus de #temperature ont été battus hier s/ les stations @meteofrance . Les bulletins de @EvelyneDheliat , @ChloeNabedian ou @Marc_Hay_BFMTV y font référence régulièrement, mais concrètement, c'est quoi la "température sous abri"? 1/9
Cela n'a l'air de rien, mais mesurer la température de l'air ambiant n'est pas une chose évidente. Si on n'y prend pas garde, on relève le + souvent la température d'un mur, d'une terrasse, d'une voiture... bref, de tout, sauf de l'air qui est une donnée essentielle en météo. 2/9
Pour que la sonde mesure au mieux la T°C de l'air, elle doit dont être placée dans ce fameux "abri" qui doit à la fois protéger le capteur des rayonnements directs (soleil) et indirects (sol) et permettre une libre circulation de l’air, 2 propriétés un peu antinomiques! 3/9
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May 22nd 2022
🌡🔥 Parce que les vagues de #chaleur impactent aussi les mers et océans. Arrêtons-nous un instant sur les importantes anomalies de #température de surface en Méditerranée Occidentale. 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞 (vague de chaleur océanique) initiée ces dernières semaines. 1/4 Image
🔺Les conséquences des fortes #chaleurs accumulées ces dernières semaines sur l’Ouest de l’#Europe sont désormais bien visibles sur les cartes de #SST. Les anomalies de #température de surface dépassent actuellement les 4°C en #Méditerranée Occidentale ! Carte @ECMWF - 2/4 Image
🔺Si cette #météo marine peut être vue comme une aubaine pour les baigneurs, cet épisode de « canicule marine » en Méd. Occ./Golfe de Gascogne, n’est pourtant pas très bon signe -> Écosystème marin déjà sous pression, limitation de l'effet rafraîchissant des brises de mer..3/4 ImageImage
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Apr 27th 2022
#Spring is arriving but is it time to start #planting your vegetables?

Our #agriculture elements provide rich insight into when to plant, water & harvest your crops…

Degree days –
Also known as Growing Degree Days or #GDD

Calculates how many “heating days” there have been during a growing season & is calculated using the hourly temps since planting or the start of the season.

Used to estimate the growth & development of plants & insects.
Soil temperature –

Indicates the #temperature of the #soil itself & is calculated based on recent temperatures.

Used to determine when the soil has warmed enough for various agricultural activities such as sowing seeds.
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Aug 2nd 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 08/02/2021…
An Uncertain New Phase of the Pandemic, in Which Cases Surge but Deaths Do Not…

#COVID19 #variants #InfectionRate #DeathRate #analysis
Read 8 tweets
May 27th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 05/27/2021…
Pianist Plays Classical Music to Comfort Rescued Blind Elephants…

#ClassicalMusic #elephants AbusedAnimals #ComfortCare
Read 10 tweets
Feb 24th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 02/24/2021…
The Awful Uncertainty of the Coronavirus Death Toll | The New Yorker…

#COVID19 #uncertainty #death
Climate-friendly foam building insulation may do more harm than good…

#insulation #foam #ClimateChange #consequences
Read 8 tweets
Feb 16th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 02/16/2021…
Republican Party splits in three – American Taliban, Republican Monarchists and GOP Classic…

#PartisanPolitics #PoliticalParties #republicanism
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Sep 4th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 09/04/2020…
Study blows 'greenhouse theory out of the water'…

#ClimateChange #greenhouse
Read 14 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
Not sure how on the radar this is for you but the #Chinaflooding season starts in 13 days and it’s already a catastrophe.

An interesting analysis of the situation.

#msm not covering this.

@paul_furber @paulmuaddib61

Read 145 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
World Meteorological Organization (WMO):
New climate predictions assess global temperatures in coming five years

👉 Image
The annual mean global temperature is likely to be at least 1° Celsius above pre-industrial levels (1850-1900) in each of the coming five years (2020-2024) and there is a 20% chance that it will exceed 1.5°C in at least one year.…
The latest forecast from the World Meteorological Organization (#WMO) suggests that over the next five years there is a 24% chance of the global average #temperature exceeding 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels for at least one year.…
Read 5 tweets
May 11th 2020
Q: Is daily employee #temperature screening (requiring employees to demonstrate that they do not have fever) sufficient to prevent the spread of #COVID19 at work?

A: Sadly, no. Not even close.
The @CDCgov and affiliated state and local agencies have set forth general guidelines:
Thee all suggest taking daily temperature checks (among other screening activities).
The benefit of daily temperature checks: They keep sick people home, regardless of whether they are fighting #Covid_19 or a different illness. This has obvious benefits to other employees and their close contacts.
Read 6 tweets

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