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Apr 8th 2023
Let's explore Macbeth as tragic hero. A thread 👇
Macbeth fits the definition of a tragic hero outlined by Aristotle in his work 'Poetics.' He starts as highly renowned, but a single tragic flaw - in this case, ambition - leads to his downfall. #Macbeth #TragicHero
Other characters initially praise Macbeth's nobility and bravery. However, upon meeting the witches and hearing their prophecy, Macbeth's ambition is awakened, setting the stage for his tragic journey. #CharacterAnalysis
Read 12 tweets
Jan 19th 2022
Belarus-Russia military exercise named #AlliedResolve2022 -17 Jan 2022
- Pavel Muraveyko drew attention to the ongoing militarization of European countries. According to him the #NATO contingent is strong enough to provoke and unleash any interntl conflict…
#Russia denies looking for pretext to invade Ukraine -Jan 17
- Speaking to reporters on Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov dismissed the #US claim as “total #disinformation.”…
#Russia accuses West of plotting ‘#provocations’ in #Ukraine -2h ago
- Western claims of an imminent Russian attack on Ukraine were a “cover for #staging large-scale provocations of their own, including those of military character.”…
Read 9 tweets

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