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Jun 2nd 2021
I had attended a webinar recently and learnt something incredibly unique! I discovered that you could be a Data Scientist, but having a #specialisation is IMPORTANT!

What is a "specialisation"? How many kinds of specialisations are there in #DataScience Domain?

Thread🧵 Image
One can acquire all the skills of a Data Scientist, but having specialisation in a particular skill can set you apart from the rest. It can be anything! You can analyse data as no one else; data visualisation or database management (#DBMS) could be your niche.🤩
☑️Data Visualisation
If you have a knack for producing beautiful graphical representations from the data, this could be your domain of specialisation, and you could become a Data #Visualisation Engineer. Image
Read 10 tweets
Aug 14th 2020
So it seems teachers weren't *that* "involved" in the clearly #automated process, which assumed / calculated (rather than collecting) their rank order estimates.

Gotta hope @ICOnews is reading these independent analyses of @ofqual's own paper...

Read 4 tweets

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