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Jul 12th 2021
Ontario Canada: "The world's longest #lockdown will come to an end next week" (Step 3, July 16/21).

No. It's not over.

New chief medical officer of health, Dr Kieran Moore makes clear #endemic state will emerge in fall w/ Ont. "doing all the due diligence to prepare." Image
Let's explore numbers behind "world's longest #lockdown", Ont., Canada. Gov't of Ontario website updated July 11, 2021.

"Active cases" in Ont. as of July 11 2021 under 20 yrs of age: 0

Deaths under 20 w/ #COVID19 - 3.

Estimated pop. of Ontario: approx. 14.73 million people. Image
Under 20 yrs:

Jan 15 2020 to July 11 2021:

Resolved cases: 68, 280

Active cases: 0

Deaths (WITH #covid19): 3

[Keeping in mind that Covid tests are inaccurate (false positives) & largely meaningless as testing positive can mean mild to no symptoms whatsoever.] Image
Read 26 tweets
Mar 11th 2020
Rupanya Mudah Ja Cara Nak Isi Borang Cukai E-Filling Ni. Dah la nak kena hantar ke LHDN sebelum 30 April ni. Tak lama dah tu. Jadi kena la cepat-cepat submit sebelum terlambat!
Tapi sebelum tu, berapa jumlah pendapatan seseorang perlu mula declare cukai?
Gaji bersih tahunan RM34,000 (selepas tolak EPF) kategori ini layak declare cukai.
Tak apa, korang yang dah sampai tahap gaji macam ini, declare je okay. Kena cukai tu belum tentu lagi, silap-silap dapat refund lagi!
Sini saya kongsikan langkah-langkah mudah untuk isi borang BE (individu tiada pendapatan perniagaan)
Read 9 tweets

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