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Jan 5th 2023
Welcome to yet another daily thread as #Ukraine moves one day nearer victory in its bid to liberate its land from #Russia's illegal invasion.

We've reached Day 316. All the news updated here throughout the day, so come back and scroll through later.

DMs open for tip-offs.💙💛
Wednesday ended in lively fashion after a quiet day. If you missed anything, the big news was from #Crimea where explosions/air defence were reported in two separate towns.

If you missed anything, take a look back here:

Let's start the thread with a chuckle, with this scene from Kazakhstan according to the poster on Telegram.

A middle aged woman telling a couple of guys from #Russia exactly what she thinks!

"Putin is a d*ckhead. #Ukraine will win. All Kazakhstan hates you!"
Read 34 tweets
Sep 19th 2022
Tuesday 20 September - Day 209 of the illegal war being waged by #Russia, welcome to the daily thread.

#Ukraine is fighting for democracy, for its very survival. Our fundraiser is at 18% of target - a good start. Photos added of what we will be buying.…
Many interesting stories late on Monday's thread

⚡️#Russia's soldiers sexually assaulted a 4 year old child.
⚡️🇷🇺embassy in Canada firebombed
⚡️Big (suspicious) fire in 🇷🇺 city
⚡️Employees forced to "donate" over 40% of their weekly wage to Russia's war

Here's a risky investment for Russians.

How about booking a New Year's Eve party at the #Kerch (Crimea) bridge?
New cruises being launched from next week.

Well, guess they like fireworks on 31 December. Why not try a #HIMARS light show experience?…
Read 37 tweets

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