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Nov 22nd 2022
These 8 countries offer #citizenship to individuals who contribute💵 to the economy by making an initial #investment or donation.
What can Citizenship by Investment give you?
- Diversification
- Freedom of Travel
- New Business Opportunities
- Ability to Renounce US Citizenship Image
🇲🇹#Malta Citizenship by Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment process
Malta is a member of the #EU 🇪🇺
Minimum Investment: €600,000
Time to grant citizenship: from 18 Months to 3 Years
Visa-Free Access to 170 Countries… Image
🇹🇷 #Turkey
You and all of your dependents under 18 years of age will get citizenship. Best passport for #realestate investors.
Minimum Investment: $400,000
Time to grant citizenship: 3-4 Months
Visa-Free Access to 123 Countries… Image
Read 9 tweets
Aug 18th 2020
@CPL is going to start in a few hours, the excitement among cricket fans to watch T20 cricket after a longtime will be sky high & I feel CPL won't disappoint us much!!!

Almost all teams are very much balanced (feel sorry for Zouks)

Team Analysis in d thread below

#CPL #CPL2020
Barbados 🇧🇧 Tridents

Let me start with the defending Champions @BIMTridents

Team is filled with young players and I feel their strong suite is their Bowling !!

Batting looks slightly weak compared to the bwlng department

#CPL #CPL2020 #BarbadosTridents #Barbados
Barbados had their Core local team retained!!

They have an experienced Captain in Holder who should hold the key for them down d order

JohnsonCharles will open alongside Kyle Mayers

They have @shaidhopein the middle to hold the inngs

#CPL #CPL2020 #BarbadosTridents #Barbados
Read 37 tweets

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