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Mar 20th 2023
So much factually wrong here. This plan won't solve a GLOBAL migration crisis. Threat of Rw hasnt deterred anyone so far. The HO has never said what the total cost will be, does it even know? 'Britain and Rwanda's joint plan will deter illegal crossings'…
Cruella says this 'sets a new international standard'. It's human trafficking!! Rw is 'welcoming'. So the 13 refugees shot dead by Rw forces in 2018 after a peaceful protest were being 'welcomed', were they?
The 200 people cap is NOT a lie. It was announced last July, Kagame set it. The DT reported it, I think. Rw now says it'll take more. Of course it will - humans for cash!
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Sep 3rd 2022

Memos gathered as evidence against the Home Office shed crucial insight into the devious nature of Priti Patel's plans...but will they be enough?

Highlighted widely and developing a notorious international reputation, these memos seem to reinforce the HO as a department NOT to be trusted...
THANKFULLY there are good people out there who are working hard, either directly or indirectly in the arena of helping asylum seekers, charities and refugees seeking justice against the Home Office's cruelty - find them, follow them, support them ✊
Read 6 tweets
Aug 27th 2022
Is the Home Office is planning a new deportation flight to Rwanda?
Shocking news and bizarre timing
‘Some newly arrived asylum seekers in hotels have received letters from the department telling them their asylum claims are deemed inadmissible
for consideration in the UK.
They go on to say the government intends to send them to Rwanda to have their claims processed there’
Before we catch up as to how all things with the Rwanda deportation flights stand, here is great article from the Guardian chronologically capturing the events leading up to how things went from ‘tens of thousands’ to a cancelled flight:
Read 21 tweets
Jul 26th 2022

We’ve referenced Priti Patel’s endorsement of the RSS/HSS/Hindutva (Nazi) ideology many times. This has led us to question whether it’s her extremist nature which compels her to embrace Paul Kagame the dictator and
ignore all the warnings of Rwanda not being a safe option for asylum seekers. Just yesterday, a Parliamentary committee raised ‘fundamental concerns’ over compliance with international law and urged her to reconsider this policy.
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Even the US have recognised the Human Rights violations, political assassinations at home and abroad, they’re on the verge of stopping aid. Just a reminder, we are still discussing Rwanda and not Putin’s Russia.
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Jul 17th 2022
All the Tory candidates still believe Britain can dump people into another country thousands of miles away. The squatter in 10 Downing Street was at least hoping the policy was politically right...
The UK is a beacon of “openness and generosity” – Boris Johnson in April, a bit rich as this couldn’t be any more contradictory whilst vehemently implementing the #Rwanda policy which was controversial from word go... and now:

And the Turkish government shot down her idea within hours of it being floated.

Considering Turkey already has the largest refugee population in the world. The Turkish government responded swiftly:…
Read 15 tweets
Jul 16th 2022
We wanted to step up and show our support for the @Care4Calais #StopRwanda campaign.

The way Britain treats refugees and asylum seekers is part of the #HostileEnvironment, that led to the #NationalityAndBordersAct. We are pleased to support action to mitigate against it.

1/6 Side by side selfies of Ali holding a sign, and Lizzi holdin
We want to see the success of this campaign and all others that aim to challenge the deliberate cruelty of the #HostileEnvironment and are proud to work with and alongside organisations and individuals who make this their goal.
The #HostileEnvironment consists of a set of policies and laws made to make it unbearable for some people to live in Britain. Originally intended to deter 'illegal immigrants', the plans backfired, throwing all non-White people into harm's way.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 11th 2022
We made a little collection of Tory perspectives on refugees, asylum seekers, and the #Rwanda policy. One of these people may be our next PM!

Starting with Rishi Sunak, who has consistently voted against a more accessible, supportive asylum system, he’s evil as they come…

Penny Mordaunt, following her Twitter posts from yesterday, she is best summed up by @WilksBecca
"Some have tried to paint me as marginally less monstrous than the other candidates - Let me assure you, they are wrong."

Liz Truss takes a leaf out Johnson’s book as she has been accused of lying about the horrendous #Rwanda policy, but she doesn't have any better ideas…

Read 13 tweets
Jul 2nd 2022
Love this picture by @veripix captures how it FELT marching yesterday w/ Gay Liberation Front #Pride50 Marching alongside Nigerian Lesbian MFJ activist Rosemay Ogiwuke (queer as in fuck your borders sign) & Gay Nigerian activist Micky - both fighting for their right to stay (1/5)
We marched cause PRIDE IS A PROTEST we have so much still 2 fight 4, cause people like Rosemary & Mickey are routinely disbelieved 2b LGBT by @ukhomeoffice who happily deport LGBT people to persecution/death while draping themselves in the rainbow flag #Pride #StopThePlane (2/5)
This is Taher, an Algerian unemployed workers activist who had 2 flee after jailed for protesting. He crossed the channel last year seeking freedom & sanctuary. The day before we marched he was granted asylum. Towards end of this march he said… (3/5) credit @veripix
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Jun 14th 2022
🚨🚨UPDATE ON THE RWANDA DEPORTATION FLIGHT. Struggling to keep up to speed with all the urgent updates? Us too 😪 But here is the key info as it stands at the moment: 🧵

The European Court of Human Rights has said that one asylum seeker should not be removed to Rwanda tonight
We understand that there are still 3 people who were taken one by one in vans from immigration detention today, who are en route to an airport. It is not clear which one but many suspect Stansted.

Those 3 may be able to rely on the ECtHR decision to resist their removal as well
We understand that all 3 have lawyers so work will be going on to try get them off the flight too.

2 people were successful in their legal cases whilst 14 of our activists blockaded the road outside Colnbrook IRC. At least 8 activists have been arrested & taken to custody
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Jun 14th 2022
UPDATE 🧵: 7 people still with tickets for Rwanda 2day. 2 Iraqi Kurdish, 3 Iranian, 1 Albanian & 1 Vietnamese. All have some form of legal action taking place 2day. But this is a race against time #StopTheFlights #StopRwanda #StopThePlane #Rwanda50 #NotInMyName (1/10)
One only got decent legal representation YESTERDAY - all had enormous difficulties finding representation in detention. It is a LIE to say they have had chance to make their cases - there is no time, everything is in English & getting a solicitor is no easy task (2/10)
1 is in Brook House, the remaining 6 are in Colnbrook. 2 have expressed suicidal thoughts to us. 1 reports scaring all over his body from torture. This flight is inhumane & must be stopped #StopRwanda #StopTheFlights #StopThePlane (3/10)
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Jun 12th 2022
TIMELINE of #Rwanda50 flight & all details we know: Mon there’ll be 2 cases seeking injunction to ground flight plus multiple individual detainees cases will b happening - that’s why we’ll be at the court all day, join when u can! at 5.30pm there’s at demo at Home Office (1/7)
We suspect flight will b scheduled for TUES EVE. The 2 most used airports are Stanstead & Birmingham - if it’s BHM guards will start taking people to coaches around 5-6pm (later if Stanstead) we won’t know till the day *Watch this space* (2/7)
There are roughly equal numbers of #Rwanda50 detainees at Colnbrook (Heathrow) & Brook House (Gatwick) detention centres. Coaches should start arriving in afternoon of 14th. Detainees are spread between coaches & vans, few in each. (3/7)
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Jun 10th 2022
The High Court has denied an injunction seeking to stop next week's planned flight of asylum seekers to Rwanda. He says that each case should be considered on an individual basis and there is no need for an injunction.
However, as a result of today’s case six refugees have had their directions to be sent to Rwanda cancelled. This shows how important it is that no one is deported until the lawfulness of the policy is fully examined. Some of the refugees do not yet have legal representation.
They are at risk of being deported by a policy that may ultimately be found to be unlawful. We are therefore considering an urgent appeal.
This is an extremely disappointing outcome and we are deeply concerned for the welfare of the people who may be forcibly deported to Rwanda.
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Jun 4th 2022
We are now working with 70 out of the 100 people that the Government have sent ‘Notices of Intent‘ saying that they will be sent to Rwanda. A 🧵on the situation:
They are all in detention centres and they are all very scared.
Every single one of these people has a devastating account of the horrors they have escaped from in their home countries. Be it war, torture or persecution, they are all difficult to hear.
The fact that our Government is putting them through the intense trauma of a deportation to another dangerous future is simply barbaric.
Be in no doubt that being deported is traumatic.
Read 31 tweets
May 15th 2022
URGENT – Boris has announced that 50 people will be sent to Rwanda imminently, and it is sure more will follow.

It is ESSENTIAL that anyone who cares about refugees now does all they can to stop this.

Here’s how you can help:
1. Share these refugee information leaflets as widely as possible: and

Share them with:
· Any refugees you know
· Anyone who works with refugees
· Any organisations who work with refugees
2. Donate to the crowdfunder for our legal challenge to the Rwanda scheme. We are raising funds to cover costs, and to protect us from Home Office costs if we don’t win:

3. Sign up for further updates on how you can #StopRwanda
Read 5 tweets

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