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May 2nd 2022
@ABCNewsLive @rweingarten .@rweingarten: I wrote the op-ed for @TIME with @JonahEdelman to say "this has been our observations and that we need people of conscious to stand up and here's why."

Read the op-ed here:…
"Teachers want to teach and we need to meet the needs of our students." - @rweingarten
Read 6 tweets
May 5th 2020
1/ During the coronavirus pandemic, thousands of teachers have quickly transitioned to providing a virtual education.

In honor of #TeacherAppreciationWeek, here’s a look at how Texas educators are still helping students. #txlege #txed
2/ Karen Sams, a 2020 Texas Teacher of the Year, used to build community through a colorful classroom and hugs.

But #COVID19 has forced her to motivate her third graders to complete assignments through video chat.
3/ Michelle Sandoval, another 2020 Texas Teacher of the Year, used to advise students on what lipstick to wear to their quinceañeras or how to wear a tie.

Now, she has been using video conferencing to check in on her students’ health and safety.
Read 9 tweets
Jan 9th 2020
⚡️With America locked in a global face-off w Iran, @PaulRieckhoff breaks down the latest w his trademark independence, experience, & humor. In Ep41, we approach the enormous stress of this precarious time in history w light, not heat. & @mazdackrassi:🎙⚡️ Image
⚡️Episode41 goes deep into the human side of the Iran/US relationship with one of the most successful Iran-American business and cultural leaders in America. @kanyewest called him “a visionary”. Meet @MazdackRassi:🇺🇸 🇮🇷🎙⚡️ Image
“@mazdackrassi, what makes you angry?” The powerful, fun and inspiring conversation with @PaulRieckhoff is at now. If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention. #IYNAYNPA
Read 401 tweets
May 6th 2019
It’s #TeacherAppreciationWeek! Just remember, your child’s teacher doesn’t want a cute bucket full of pencils and glue sticks. Those are necessities. Show your appreciation by telling the teacher what they mean to you and your family. Why are you grateful for their work?
*Necessities = you should gift those anyway because teachers are paying for them out of their own pocket. Go the extra mile. What do you appreciate about their work?
I can’t say I remember every #TeacherAppreciationWeek gift I ever received. I do, however, still have a stack of cards and letters parents wrote telling me what I meant to them and their student.
Read 3 tweets
May 7th 2018
I take #TeacherAppreciationWeek very seriously myself. Not so much because of my personal experience as a teacher as my personal experience as a student. I can point to 6 specific teachers from my K-12 years who changed my life forever.
Not just this week but EVERY week, I feel compelled to #ThankATeacher:

1. Joe Harris, Elem Gifted Ed
2. Pennie Pearlman, MS Drama
3. Bill Womack, HS Health/PE
4. Lorraine Young, Algebra 1 & Geometry
5. Denie Pursley, Chemistry
6. Sandra Owens, AP Chem, Anatomy, & Microbiology
I became a teacher in order to try to give back and hopefully do for other young people what that group of teachers did for me: Inspire, motivate, love (sometimes tough love when needed), educate, encourage, counsel, and empower.
Read 5 tweets

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