Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #tedrosthehypocrite

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Sep 15th 2022


1/ @DrTedros, recently accused the 'IC' of being racist for paying more attention to #Ukraine.

We (@Qnie_Addis & @Kings_of_Nile) analysed his tweets, RTs & likes starting from Oct 2021. Given his pronouncements, what we found was quite revealing.
2/ When you pay close attention to his Twitter activity, despite his protestations, #Tigray predominate his TL. He sometimes tweets, RTs or likes up to 8 Tigray related tweets per day! He has tweeted, RTd or liked tweets mentioning Tigray 208 times over the past 23 months!
3/ What about #Yemen you ask? And #Syria? Surely, the man who claims to be the conscience of the world would tweet incessantly about these humanitarian crises that had been raging for years. Nope! In reality, they are occasionally invoked only to accompany #Ukraine and Tigray.
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