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Dec 18th 2022
Wow, another amazing year in the books! 🔥

Here are my top 20 #Bitcoin moments for 2022.

⚡️#Bitcoin conference Miami,
@jackmallers announces vendor rollout plan, bringing lightning to thousands of vendors across America.
⚡️‘Bitcoin & The American Dream’ book sprint collab. Self publishes in record time.
Read 22 tweets
Dec 10th 2022
What is "Money" and why is #Bitcoin the best Money mankind has ever seen? Follow this thread for a full explanation. WARNING: You may become "Orange Pilled" if you read and understand this complete series of Tweets. #ThankAMaxi
01 To understand #Bitcoin you must understand what is "money". The purpose of money is to store the value of your labor now so you can spend it in the future. If you saved $20 of silver coins in 1964 you could buy as much or more today with that stored work as you did back then.
02 So why is silver money? Many say because it has inherent utility value like making solar panels, electronics, or jewelry. True, but why was it money BEFORE solar panels & electronics? Because #Silver & #Gold have unique properties that make money MONEY. These properties are...
Read 83 tweets
Nov 23rd 2022
Humbled by the generosity of the #Bitcoin community. Thank you for all the #V4V, not only in terms of sats, but also in terms of remixes and translations.

Time, talent, and treasure. 🙏🧡
My most recent piece was already translated multiple times, links below:
Read 11 tweets
Nov 12th 2022
Stumbling upon the Nakamoto Institute on Twitter in 2014 is why I’m into bitcoin & why I’ve managed to avoid getting scammed by shitcoins. Thank you @BitcoinPierre and @bitstein!
There are more than 21,000 shitcoins. Each one of them at some point was sold to suckers with the promise of outperforming bitcoin. Fewer than 20 shitcoins have done that & it won’t last for long. You hear a lot more about the shitcoiner wins but the losses are far more numerous
Shitcoiners portray bitcoin maximalism as sacrificing easy gains for principles. That’s bullshit shitcoin marketing. Shitcoining is negative expected value compared to bitcoin because you’re far more likely to get rugged & rekt by falling for proprietary vaporware shitcoin scams
Read 4 tweets

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