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Jan 26th 2022
. @MummoloNews I understand you are asking folks for a grade for Oklahoma leadership on its COVID response. As a nurse and healthcare lawyer who works with hospitals and providers all over Oklahoma, I say a solid F-. I’m not sure if they could have done worse if they’d tried.
First, @GovStitt spent $2M on useless HQN. He hired a nitwit no one to buy masks that never appeared, losing more money. Stitt and #OKleg were reluctant to follow any medical advice, participated in #TrumpRallyFail in Tulsa that, despite few attendees, those present were exposed.
Herman Cain died, much of Trump’s on-site staff got COVID. No effort to slow the pandemic here to speak of. We still have highest per capita death rate in the COUNTRY, one of bottom 5 states on vaccination rates. Right now, hospitals are full, staff exhausted statewide.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 21st 2020
Donald Trump just made a fool of himself in front of a half-empty arena in Tulsa. So we made this rapid-response ad to show the world how terrible his performance was. Share this far and wide to make Trump's bad night even worse. #TrumpRallyFail
Thank you for sharing. This is a grassroots funded organization putting out the best and most hard hitting rapid-response content against Trump you can find. Only because you step up. Please consider another retweet & contribution here:…
Watch and share #TrumpRallyFail on ALL platforms!



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Jun 20th 2020
A Confederate flag being flown by a Trump supporter outside the BOK Center in Tulsa, where Trump’s rally will take place tonight. He is slated to be speaking on race in America.

#TrumpRallyTulsa #TrumpsCoronavirusRally
Another Trump rally attender is wearing a protest diaper that reads “Covid my ass” while holding a lululemon bag. #TrumpsCoronavirusRally Image
Temporary fencing has been installed around the BOK Center ahead of Trump’s Tulsa rally. #TrumpsCoronavirusRally ImageImageImageImage
Read 53 tweets
May 12th 2020
31/ Just like the #Trump failure during #TrumpPressConf it seems like #Phunware is up for failure at NASDAQ, @TeamTrump

"Closing bid price of the Company's common stock must be at least $1 for a minimum of 10 consecutive business days until the Compliance Date (December 28)"
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32/ @TeamTrump #Phunware #TrumpIsALaughingStock

Promo Video lies. Says "Join Millions".

* Android app = 4.1K ratings (majority)
* Apple app = 2.9K ratings (minority)
* Google Play Downloads = 100K+
* Apple Store Downloads = N/A

Hasn't even reached level 500K on majority OS
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33/ #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace

The App has the Permission:


It's excusable for Apps having a Setting for "Only do X if connected to Wi-Fi"

I don't know if it has such a Setting. If not, it is usually used to collect Wi-Fi's around you, for more location data
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Read 22 tweets
May 3rd 2020
1/ WTH? @TeamTrump Campaign goes full North Korea? That App Promo Video is literally what you can expect to see in Dictatorships & Cults. #Resist #Resisters #Resistance #TrumpIsAnIdiot
2/ Not weird that the #TrumpLiesPeopleDie App uses #Phunware after seeing these slides! They're not hard to understand. Gives you a sense of total lack of privacy. Guess #TrumpCult users should be warned! ImageImage
3/ #Phunware claims:

"Ability to collect Location Data from more than 1 Billion Active Mobile *Devices* per Month"

Said in 2019 when there was about 3.2 billions smartphones in the world.

So collecting almost 1/3 per month?

There's your #Trump & #PrivacyNotIncluded

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Read 52 tweets

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