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Apr 7th 2020
Despite COVID-19 deaths topping 10,000 in the U.S and case numbers surpassing 350K+, 79% of Fox “News” consumers who responded to a Pew Research survey believe the media “slightly or greatly exaggerated” the risk of the pandemic. | via @VanityFair 🦊😷… ImageImageImage
How Trump and his gang of intransigent @GOP Governors are fundamentally incapable of managing #COVID19 altruistically b/c their profit motives & false pride take top priority, but Democrats are turning the tide with science & empathy | via @RickSmithShow…
“Two Texas prison units are on a complete lockdown after most of their inmate population was placed in medical restriction for possible exposure to COVID-19...”
| via @HoustonChron 😬😷… ImageImageImageImage
Read 51 tweets
Apr 6th 2020
Report: The Trump administration didn’t order ventilators or masks until mid-March | via @voxdotcom #AmericanSociopath 🤬#InstabilityInChief #LockHimUp…
“Trump’s approval for his management of the coronavirus is now under-water, 47-52%. Approval is down from 55% in the poll released on March 20, and closer to where it was in the March 13 poll, when it was 43%.” #TrumpSlump #InstabilityInChief #ITMFA 🤡😷…
Trump Is Gutting Our Democracy While We’re Dealing With Coronavirus | via @nytimes #AmericanSociopath #DudeGottaGo #ManchurianCandidate 🦊🤡😷 ImageImageImageImage
Read 18 tweets
Apr 4th 2020
Are people grasping the sheer level of unrepentant, unapologetic cowardice on display from @GregAbbott_TX and the @TexasGOP right now? 🧐 Their heads are so far up Trump’s ass that they won’t even take the “risk” of demonstrating competent leadership in a global health crisis.
Abbott thinks he’s slick and is using linguistic gymnastics & the patchwork system of local govt/states’ rights to both downplay the threat of Coronavirus for Trump *and* work behind the scenes to handle the problem internally at the same time. 😒 3/19/20:… ImageImageImageImage
These red state Republicans are talking out of both sides of their mouths on #COVID19 b/c keeping the profit margins healthy at their fave businesses and appeasing #TemperTantrumTrump are way higher priorities for them than protecting/saving lives. “Pro-life” is a habitual LIE.
Read 42 tweets
Mar 11th 2020
“The coronavirus is threatening the global economy and financial markets. But so is another, less obvious peril — the mountain of risky debt issued by companies and bought by investors during the recent economic expansion.” - ⁦…
We've seen this movie before. In 2008,trillions of dollars in mortgage debt amassed during a huge run-up in residential real estate had to be unwound,contributing to a worldwide recession that was deep and destructive. This time a different type of debt looms—business borrowings”
Read 3 tweets
Mar 1st 2020
Even before the world had to face #Coronavirus, Trump's economic incompetence had caused global trade to FALL for the first time since 2009. #TrumpSlump…
Even before the world had to face #Coronavirus, Trump's promise that he would “skyrocket” the economy to 4%, 5%, even 6% GDP growth had already gone up in smoke. #TrumpSlump…
Even before the world had to face #Coronavirus, consumer spending was the only thing keeping the US economy afloat. But consumers were taking on so much debt, The Wall Street Journal said they were "drowning." #TrumpSlump…
Read 3 tweets
Mar 1st 2020
Donald Trump's day so far:

- Berserk meltdown about Mike Bloomberg
- Misspells "Bloomberg"
- Does Trump not know that Joe Biden won last night?
- #TrumpSlump is trending
- He doesn't even know what planet he's on
- Trump is going to prison
- It's still only 8:30am
Donald Trump is falling to pieces right before our eyes…
Donald Trump’s DNI scandal just took a whole new ugly turn…
Read 16 tweets
Feb 22nd 2020
Bookmarking this. Trump is taking full ownership of the US economy. Says the current state of the economy is nothing to do with Obama and everything to do with him.

The truth is, the economy is slowing rapidly. Trump's tax cuts have been a huge failure. Feb growth will be <1%.
My latest on Substack:

Trump’s hot air alone won’t keep the economy afloat. And new data released on Friday illustrates how quickly the “Trump Economy” is plummeting back to earth. #SundayThoughts…
BREAKING: Tucker Carlson finally speaks the truth: @realDonaldTrump’s incompetence, CDC budget cuts and cavalier attitude about #COVIDー19 has left America unprepared for the #CoronavirusOutbreak—and the already-faltering #TrumpEconomy is too weak to absorb the hit. #TrumpSlump
Read 12 tweets

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