@VisitAbuDhabi #AbuDhabi #LouvreAbuDhabi

*Aka 👸🐉 Queen Daenerys Targaryen of Dragonstone. #GoT7

#龙 #🐲 #龍 #🐉
📷: @LouvreAbuDhabi @VisitAbuDhabi #museums #dragon @GameOfThrones @DustinGrowick

Always #foodforthought when contemplating the past.
#HanEmpire #GrecoRoman #AlexanderTheGreat #art #culture #sculpture | at the @LouvreAbuDhabi #UAE

#Architect: @PritzkerPrize winner Jean Nouvel.

#Cambodia, 1100-1150
On loan & display at the @LouvreAbuDhabi. #Khmer #KhmerEmpire

#museumlove #museums #TwitterArts

#maps. On folding screens.
cc: @RobGMacfarlane #日本 #地図 @freddiethekat @japansociety #map

#perspective: at @LouvreAbuDhabi
Now watch & ponder this, in an #AsiaMinute: is it time to rethink #trade?

#NoWorries. Capture one on your phone. “Portrait of a Woman, called La Belle Ferronnière,” 1495-1499.
📷: @LouvreAbuDhabi #Leonardo #artmatters #museumsmatter

Take a look at this #samurai armor & ponder #DarthVader. From here at @LouvreAbuDhabi insidejapantours.com/blog/2015/12/1…
@Lucasfilm_Ltd @TheAcademy

#ImWithGeorge #democracy #governance

#quote. “Common sense is not so common.” ~Voltaire
Marble bust by Jean-Antoine Houdon. On display at @LouvreAbuDhabi

“Arrangement in Grey & Black No. 1,” by James Abbott McNeil Whistler. (also known as #Whistler’s Mother)
📷: at @LouvreAbuDhabi

Have a look, in an #AsiaMinute.
#shotoniphone w/ @josebcollazo in DC.
That being said…
The World's Most Powerful Women 2018: (Amended)
1a. 🙋🏻♀️Your #Mom
1b. 🇩🇪 Angela Merkel
2.🇬🇧 Theresa May
3.🇫🇷 Christine Lagarde
4.🇺🇸 Mary Barra
5.🇺🇸 Abigail Johnson
6.🇺🇸 Melinda Gates
My #TwitterTour of the @LouvreAbuDhabi continues. Swipe ↕️ up|down for #art. Got #Magritte. More via 👉@museummagritte #weekendvibes

For your consideration, from here in @TheNationalUAE: Every city has the potential to be a “smart city” but… thenational.ae/opinion/commen… #AbuDhabi #UAE #MIGlobal #urbanization #SDGs #sustainability #SustainableCities

The silhouettes: 🙋🏻♂️& @Julien_Rashid #artmatters #fastercures #MIGlobal #AiWeiWei #chandelier

#Architect: Jean Nouvel 🙌 Read more here 👉 jeannouvel.com/en/projects/lo… @archpng @VisitAbuDhabi @TheNationalUAE

Onward to the special exhibitions. #Rembrandt. #Vermeer. #Arabia.
louvreabudhabi.ae/?utm_source=GM… #museums #weekend @VisitAbuDhabi

What does it bring to mind of what (good & bad) came w/ #trade & the Dutch East Indies Companies? This panel ↘️ looks at 17th century #Netherlands. Read more of the Dutch Empire here 👉newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Dutch_Em…

And where’d @TanishaCarino go? Tweeps, for more on #FasterCures, a center of the Milken Institute, go to 👉 fastercures.org (& #GoGlobal!). #health #finance

Look closely for the #dinosaur, #crocodile, #alligator and/or #dragon claws. This means you @DustinGrowick…
Got #raptor. On display at the @LouvreAbuDhabi via @Leiden_Collectn

At the @LouvreAbuDhabi:
#TwitterTour #MuseumTweets

#Marvel-ing 💪 at these colossal stone statues from the Arabian peninsula. At @LouvreAbuDhabi.

Via the @Leiden_Collectn, to the #UAE @LouvreAbuDhabi. #leidencollection
A symbolic & iconic portrait. #Christ #faith #Rembrandt. Inspiring.
@dctabudhabi @NouraAlKaabi @Zakinus @Diplo_Peter @nether
@ludovic_pouille @frank_mollen @NicoleBintner

Riyadh, #Archaeology Department Museum, @KingSaudUniversity.
#SaudiArabia. On display recently at @LouvreAbuDhabi

For more on Team #MilkenInstitute, check out: @MIAging @MI_AsiaCtr @MI_CFM @MilkenInstitute @MIPhilanthropy @fastercures @TanishaCarino
