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May 16th 2023
"💰 Looking to boost your bottom line? Large and small-to-medium-sized businesses in Massachusetts can save big by implementing cost-effective measures. 💡 #SavingsOpportunity #BusinessEfficiency… #MABusiness"
"📊 Analyzing your expenses is the first step to saving money. Identify areas where you can cut costs without compromising quality or customer satisfaction. 📉 #ExpenseAnalysis #CostCutting… #MAbizcostcutting"
"📞 Negotiate with your vendors and suppliers for better deals. Leverage your purchasing power and establish long-term relationships that benefit both parties. 💪 #NegotiationSkills #VendorManagement…… #Business #vendornegotiationing"
Read 5 tweets
Feb 7th 2023
[Scaling Procurement]

People [and Diesel] are the single most important asset to your business and without the right people, business fails.

#dogsoftwitter #helpinghand
Developing a process to scale allows the #people to make sure the business can execute on companies objectives and #goals. #Bitcoin

Here are 5 steps to help your #procurement process.
Step 1: Streamline your procurement process by implementing a solution that includes project management for defined timelines and real-time project visibility. #procurement #projectmanagement #efficiency
Read 7 tweets

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