Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #projectmanagement

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May 21st 2023
Buckle up, folks! We're embarking on an exhilarating journey into the heart of AI, spotlighting a game-changer: AutoGPT! Despite the dizzying speed of innovation, we're about to break it down piece by piece. Stay tuned till the end for an unexpected twist! #autogpt 👇
1. Ever wished your AI could do more without your constant nudging? Enter Auto-GPT! It takes ChatGPT to a whole new level, capable of executing tasks without needing you to prompt every move. It's like an autonomous assistant, handy right? #chatgpt #autogpt
2. Let's put this into perspective. You've seen ChatGPT code, but imagine it managing an entire software project! That's Auto-GPT for you. It can think and make choices to get your tasks done. Impressed yet? #coding #ai
Read 10 tweets
Apr 2nd 2023
🚀 Boostez la productivité de votre équipe avec le #MindMapping ! Libérez les #talents, osez la collaboration et facilitez la gestion de projets complexes. Êtes-vous prêt à changer de regard sur votre flux de travail ? 🌟 #ProductivityHacks #Innovation
🧠💡 Pourquoi s'en tenir à des notes linéaires quand on peut créer un camp de base plus visuel ? Une #MindMap respecte le fonctionnement du cerveau. Aide à repérer des connexions cachées et stimule des idées novatrices. #BrainPower #CreativityUnleashed
🤝 La collaboration est la clé ! Grâce au #mindmapping, votre équipe peut partager des points de vue, des connaissances et des idées. Même des controverses. Bâtir un esprit de corps plus fort avec ce puissant outil visuel. #TeamworkMakesTheDreamWork #Collaboration
Read 5 tweets
Apr 1st 2023
🚀 Transformez les #performances de votre équipe avec le #MindMapping ! Cet outil peut vous aider à débloquer la créativité, améliorer la communication et la productivité. On parie qu'il peut booster le succès vos projets ? 🌟 #ProductivityHacks #Teamwork
💡 Vous vous êtes déjà sentis dépassés par des projets complexes ? Le #MindMapping vous aide à visualiser et simplifier l'information. Un bon début pour la rendre plus facile à comprendre. Le #flux pour mieux agir et sortir du #flou ! 🧠 #Innovation #ProblemSolving
🌐 La collaboration est essentielle... Ok ! Le #MindMapping pousse votre équipe à partager ses idées et ses points de vue. Un 1er pas vers une #intelligence #collective en actes. Libérez le potentiel de votre équipe. Pensez et réalisez ensemble ! 🤝 #Collaboration #TeamSuccess
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Mar 31st 2023
Saviez-vous que le #mindmapping peut augmenter votre productivité jusqu'à 20 % ? 🧠💪 Cet outil aide à organiser vos pensées, stimule la créativité, favorise la mémorisation des informations #productivitytips #projectmanagement #Growth… #mindmappingdecision
Le #mindmapping est un outil idéal pour la résolution de problèmes ! En reliant les idées et les concepts, il permet de changer de regard, de détecter des #patterns, combler les trous d'informations. 🤔💭 #problemsolving #innovation #km…
Vous êtes un apprenant visuel ? Le #mindmapping est un outil parfait pour vous ! Des recherches ont montré que le canal visuel aide à mieux retenir les informations. Pour ancrer des concepts complexes, ça marche ! 📚👀 #studytips #visuallearning #learning…
Read 5 tweets
Mar 28th 2023
🚀🌐 LNG Liquefaction Project Management Series 🌐🚀

📝 Interface Management Plan for LNG Liquefaction Project
🔍 Spotlight on Interface Schedule

📝 Sync Your Success: Crafting the Ultimate Interface Schedule 🌟

📝 Interface Schedule: Development

Developing an Interface Schedule requires the LNG plant owner's project team to identify all critical interfaces between stakeholders, such as EPC contractors, technology licensors, & external stakeholders. #LNG #ProjectManagement 2/13
📚 As a minimum, an interface schedule should have these four items included:

1. Deliverables
2. Milestones
3. Deadlines
4. Dependencies

The interface schedule needs to be developed separately from the LNG project schedule. #LNG #ProjectManagement 3/13
Read 13 tweets
Mar 28th 2023
🚀🌐 LNG Liquefaction Project Management Series 🌐🚀

📝 Interface Management Plan for LNG Liquefaction Project
🔍 Spotlight on Interface Register 📝

"Connecting the dots with the #InterfaceRegister - making LNG Projects a success!" 🔗🔍🌟

By using an Interface Register, project teams can effectively manage interfaces and ensure a successful LNG Liquefaction Project. 💻👨‍💼👩‍💼

💻 Here's a how a typical Interface Register for a LNG Liquefaction Project looks like. 2/8 Image
Now let's look at each column of this interface register.

1️⃣ Interface ID: Unique identifier for each interface.

2️⃣ Interface Description: A brief description of the interface.

3️⃣ Interface Owner: The person or team responsible for the interface. 3/8
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Feb 7th 2023
[Scaling Procurement]

People [and Diesel] are the single most important asset to your business and without the right people, business fails.

#dogsoftwitter #helpinghand
Developing a process to scale allows the #people to make sure the business can execute on companies objectives and #goals. #Bitcoin

Here are 5 steps to help your #procurement process.
Step 1: Streamline your procurement process by implementing a solution that includes project management for defined timelines and real-time project visibility. #procurement #projectmanagement #efficiency
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Jan 31st 2023
Vamos con un hilo interesante de puntos esenciales de #ProjectManagement, que podemos aplicar a cualquier proyecto que estemos llevando a cabo, independientemente de su tamaño o tipo. Muy importante si estamos trabajando con revisiones bajo modalidad de #AgileAudit.
[1] #ProjectManagement CICLO DE VIDA DEL PROYECTO. ¿Tienes definidas las etapas o fases que cubrirá el proyecto? Por ejemplo autorización, diseño, construcción y entrega. Si no son fases, puedes considerar la emisión de entregables al alcanzar ciertos hitos del proyecto.
[2] #ProjectManagement ALCANCE GEOGRÁFICO. ¿Describes en qué lugares o zonas se desarrollará el proyecto? Tener claras las ubicaciones geográficas te dará la oportunidad de establecer las personas contacto en dichas ubicaciones, y determinar el alcance real del trabajo.
Read 16 tweets
Dec 11th 2022
🧵🧵 THREAD: 9 tips for successful #bioinformatics #projects 🧵🧵
1. Start by defining the aim, scope, and objectives of your project, and by identifying the #biological and #computational questions you want to answer.
2. Identify the #data sources, types, and formats, that are relevant and available for your project, and evaluate their quality, quantity, and suitability.
Read 11 tweets
Aug 9th 2022
The web is one of the best places to find a new job if you use it correctly. While there are hundreds of job sites, my fav. is LinkedIn, it allows you to build a network that could help you find hidden #jobopportunities. See 🧵👇 for other sites, especially for #PM related roles.
Oh! One more platform to add to list of finding #projectmanagement jobs is…


Yes! Job opportunities are shared on this platform daily. Be sure to use the search functionality to find those hidden opportunities

RT ❤️ + Comment your fav. job sites too.

Read 3 tweets
Jul 23rd 2022
10 Essential Skills for Project Managers 🚀

Thread 🧵👇 Image
1. Communication: The ability to communicate clearly, concisely, and accurately is essential for any project manager.

2. Organization: A project manager must be able to keep track of all the moving parts of a project and ensure that everyone and everything is on track.
3. Planning: A good project manager always has a plan and knows what needs to be done to reach the desired goal.

4. Time management: A project manager must be able to juggle multiple tasks and deadlines and keep the project on schedule.
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Apr 6th 2022
Product Management includes planning, developing, launching, and managing a product or service. Project Management involves processes required to achieve all project goals within the constraints like scope, time, and budget.
Currently, in the US, the demand for other jobs is growing at an avg rate of 6.6%, while the Product Manager role is growing at a whopping 32% rate. PMI expects by 2027, 88 Mn jobs will be added in Project Management-related roles globally.
Essential skills in-demand for Product Managers are communication, analytical, marketing, management skills, technical expertise, BI, and strategic thinking.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 30th 2022
Every activity in life involves #projectmanagement
Check out the 30 Terms you must become conversant with as a PJ professional! 👇
#thread #WednesdayMotivation
Compiled by: @hive
Image: @ProBuilderMag

1. Agile Methodology
Agile project management is a methodology that....
..allows for flexible changes and adaptations during a project’s life cycle. This methodology is an iterative process that relies on constant feedback between the team and the customer/end-user. It is a management type that is best suited for projects with changing requirements,
..such as software development or product launches.

2. Baseline
A baseline is a measurement used by project managers to measure the project’s performance. It offers a defined starting point for a project plan and provides a specific reference point to gauge the success and....
Read 33 tweets
Mar 2nd 2022
My Project Management journey!
I just stated the Google Project Management: Professional Certificate through Coursera and I have decided to update my learning journey, so this will be a thread of my progress. #BlackTechTwitter #womenintech #projectmanagement #baddiesintech
Day 1
Course: Foundations of Project Management
Now I have basic understanding of project management and what a project manager does (planning and organizing, managing tasks, budgeting and controlling costs).
Read 140 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
Want to be a #projectmanager, or keen to upgrade your PM skills? Then you need resources to enhance your skills. You can get/develop these skills via work experience or by taking courses. Check out these top courses in🧵👇

Also share any courses that helped you too.
1. Alison: Diploma in Project Management - An invaluable resource for peeps starting their careers in #projectmanagement or for those who are already in the field. Duration: 6 to 10 hrs / Price: Free…
2. Coursera: Project Management Principles and Practices Specialization - in alliance with University of California (Irvine), Rice University.
Duration: Approx. 5 months
Fee: Available for Course content is FREE…
Read 7 tweets
Jan 21st 2022
1/ Here's how we hand off new client work (of a decent size) for a dev at @fostercommerce to start in a fully #remote, fully #async way.

All the screenshots are from our Basecamp account. #projectmanagement #craftcms
2/ We copy our feature list template into the specific project and begin editing it. I'll share what's in the template. Image
3/ We start with the "global" task (the one that says "🌎NAME OF FEATURE."

The first section of that template task is for PMs. It's a checklist of sorts to help us know what we need to complete before a dev can start. Image
Read 15 tweets
Nov 28th 2021
According to a @FastCompany #article & an @indeed #poll, in the #techindustry, I'm old.

And not just a little old, a LOT old. I've been in #tech longer than many of my colleagues have been alive!

But that's OK & here's why (🧵):

1. You can't gain experience from a book (or website or app or ...)

The only way you gain #experience is by doing things over time.

That's it!

No shortcuts!

No cheat codes!

And I've had the time to gain the experience which shows on my #resume & portfolio.
2. I grew up before the Internet!

The Internet's biggest #advantage can also be its biggest failure. "Just Google it!" has become the modern mantra because it's easier to find a #solution than to figure it out.

My ability to problem solve is becoming rare! And marketable!
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Oct 13th 2021
What is common between product docs, Slack channels, and Wikis? Why, everyone ignoring all of those and instead asking the subject matter expert the same question over and over again, of course!

A 🧵on the next big thing in tech: effective knowledge management: #knowledgeispower What is common between Slac...
1/ It is no exaggeration when @SlackHQ calls itself the Digital HQ of a company - our chat apps accrue staggering amounts of information. This information can be tapped to unlock tremendous value! #chatops #KnowledgeManagement #projectmanagement Chat app interface showing ...
2/ Answers v. Information: Answers are often derived by putting together information from multiple sources. These sources are often not well documented or rely on the user knowing the system to find them. New hires are disadvantaged. #information #KnowledgeGraph Information vs. Answers: In...
Read 6 tweets
Dec 9th 2020
To support remote work, plenty of new SaaS products have come to the party in 2020. The usual suspects highlighted by @G2dotcom in the collaboration/productivity category are not too surprising:
- Video conferencing
- Webinar
and others.

#FutureofWork G2 Collaborative Technology...
... What I found most interesting were the new sub-categories on @G2dotcom within collaboration/productivity, specifically #OKR management software.

The use of OKR software has been a big part of business continuity initiatives since March 2020 in the enterprise. G2 Digital Trends in Collab...
... Note-taking, screen-sharing & visual collaboration tools have been around for a while now. The WFH transition has simply accelerated the adoption of these cloud tools.

The real transformation in operating models for remote teams is the shift to #OKR software.
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Nov 30th 2020
We are starting our Christmas Countdown a little early this year with the A-Z of @drakonheritage #ChristmasIsComing #ChristmasCountdown
First up. A is for Archaeology. Our year has been full of many great objects from the field. Swords, brooches, lots of iron and so many coins... #ArchaeologicalConservation #Archaeology
B is for Broken. This Anglo-Saxon vessel was hit by a plough. By re-joining the fragments we can appreciate its form but I loved seeing the repairs made in the past. What a valued object this must have been to someone. What stories it could tell. #conservation #ChristmasCountdown Riveted repair inside the c...Vessel before conservation....Vessel after conservation. ...
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Nov 9th 2020
1/4 Some positive news to kick off the week - we're hiring @CDEIUK! There are roles available across both our #policy and #strategy teams. If you're ambitious, articulate and curious about #AI and #datadriventechnology, please check out the roles in this thread and apply!
2/4 Are you interested in the risks and opportunities posed by #AI and #datadriventechnology? Do you have strong verbal and written communication skills? If so, one of our Policy Advisor roles might be right for you! Find out more here:
3/4 We’re looking for 3x Senior Policy Advisors to join teams across @CDEIUK. Are you capable of analysing #complex issues to reach clear and balanced conclusions? Do you have excellent #projectmanagement skills? Find out how to apply here:
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Sep 17th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 09/17/2020…
The Great Reset | World Economic Forum

#WEF #reset
Five new giant radio galaxies discovered…

#astronomy #radio
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May 29th 2020
As #bioinformatician #biostatistician #DataScientist, have you ever felt you've done lots of work, yet achieved nothing? here is how to change that! A thread 👇 1/n
1 - #document rigorously your computing work - same as bench scientists do on experiments. Document your initial thoughts on data, your decisions, tests, issues, how you solved them, how you tried various tools, how you picked one over others. These are all *achievements*. n/1
2 - #track your tasks and efforts - make it quantitative. Write a weekly checklist on GitHub wiki; update and check it off at the end of a day. Version control your codes; push meaningful commits. Be aware of your time spent on each task. Numbers may be boring, but effective. 2/n
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Aug 20th 2019
Excitingly, we are expanding our Cost of the School Day project into England and Wales, and new parts of Scotland, which means there are 5 fantastic jobs going - help us and @ChildrenNE tackle school costs and help all children thrive at school… #jobs
@ChildrenNE The project lead will manage the roll out and delivery of the Cost of the School Day project in England and Wales and support the expansion of the project in Scotland.… #charityjobs #projectmanagement
@ChildrenNE The stakeholder communication manager will lead all external communications relating to the Cost of the School Day project, ensuring that learning & evidence from our work with schools is shared effectively w/ stakeholders & the sector.… #charityjobs #comms
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