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Nov 22nd 2020
Why have The ACLU & Amnesty International turned on women?
They haven't. Women are in the way of a Big Pharma, Big Tech agenda to colonize human sex via "gender identity."
ACLU is funded millions by Arcus Foundation, which is fed by the founders billion dollar medical corp.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 4th 2020
My college roommate/BFF just told me she decided to home school her kids (ages 7 & 5) b/c school starts on 8/6 but her idiotic district in Germantown, TN STILL hasn’t announced a coherent/virtual reopening plan. WTAF, Tennessee?! 🤷🏾‍♀️ Procrastination for DT AIN’T self-preservation.
She was like “how the hell is anyone supposed to make an informed decision?!” and all I could say was they expect us to make uninformed, political decisions from the gut, per Trump’s request. The GOP’s dishing out cult kool aid & just waiting to see how many deplorables drink it.
My friend’s 39 & White and has met plenty of like minded, liberal friends in her neighborhood, so to hear her process this moment really crystallized the battle being waged in the burbs between the 53% & 47% for me. Imagine being sent to slaughter by White MAGAt peer pressure. 🥴
Read 49 tweets
Jun 29th 2020
Fired Florida Covid Dashboard Architect Claims She Was Asked To Manually Change Numbers | via @Forbes #GOPGenocide #Sadism #DeathPanels #MAGAMasochism…
Texas city and county leaders ask Gov. Greg Abbott for authority to implement local stay-at-home orders via @TexasTribune #StayHomeTexas #GetOuttaTheWayGreg #GOPMalfeasance #GrossNegligence…
More than 30 Texas bars sue over Gov. Greg Abbott's recent shutdown order | via @TexasTribune #Cult45* #COVIDIOTS #VultureCapitalism #MAGAMasochism #Sadism 🦊🤡…
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