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Jun 5th 2023
PM Modi, who won 2014 elections on Hindutva, has surpassed all previous govts on Muslim appeasement. This govt is hardly even secular, let alone Hindu.This govt is purely Islamist. Updated thread with updated links from minority affairs website 1/n
New website () is unstable and inaccessible, hence adding details from old site ( 2/n

Scholarships Pre-matric Scholarship Scheme 3/n Image
Read 106 tweets
Sep 27th 2022
PM Modi, who won 2014 elections on Hindutva, has surpassed all previous govts on Muslim appeasement. This govt is hardly even secular, let alone Hindu.This govt is purely Islamist, working with a singular goal of the extinction of Hindus. Lets look at the facts 1/n

Pre-matric Scholarship Scheme 2/n…

Post-matric Scholarship Scheme 3/n…
Read 85 tweets
Sep 26th 2022
वक्फबोर्ड ने चांद की जमीन पर दांवा ठोंका है वक्फबोर्ड ने नासा को दिए नोटिस में कहा कि हम 1400 वर्षो से चांद देखकर त्योहार मना रहे है इसलिए वक्फ एक्ट के मुताबिक चांद की जमीन हमारी हुई
नासा तुरंत अपने सेटेलाइट बटोरकर चांद खाली करें😜

वक्फबोर्ड ने एक नोटिस नील आर्म स्ट्रांग को भी भेजा है जिसमें उनसे जवाब मांगा गया है कि आपने वक्फबोर्ड से बिना पूछे चांद पर पहला कदम क्यों रखा. वक़्फ़ एक्ट मुताबिक आपको 2 साल की सजा हो सकती है अतः तुरंत वक्फ को जुर्माना भरें.

नोटिस के बाद नासा में हड़कंप मचा हुआ है खबरें है कि
वक्फ एक्ट का गहन अध्ययन करने के बाद नासा के वैज्ञानिक बेहोश हो गए उनके मुताबिक नासा ने अरबों डॉलर खर्च कर एक भी सेटेलाइट नही बनाया जो किसी जमीन पर कब्जा कर सके लेकिन वक्फ एक्ट तो अंतरिक्ष की किसी भी जमीन पर कब्जा कर सकता है.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 16th 2022
#DuratmaGandhi to #TraitorNehru to robot Man Mohan Singh, #Congress kept devising & passing such unconstitutional, loaded Acts ie Anti-Riot Act by Sonia. What were #BJP lawmakers doing, what were ppl doing - voting same Anti-#Hindu bigots in the name of #Secularism #ScrapWaqfAct
@ARanganathan72 says, 'Today Waqf says Hindus can use the land but tomorrow they won't, this is what happened with Gyanvapi'

If there are issues with the ownership of Waqf properties, it can be taken to the court: @touseefakhan

#EXCLUSIVE | Days before the 2014 elections, the UPA govt 'gifts' 123 prime properties in Delhi to Waqf.

"Please refer to the telephonic request", @navikakumar takes us through the details of the 'secret note'.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 16th 2022
Frankly, I have been sleepless since i heard detail of #WaqfLandGrab where Waqf board can CLAIM any land as theirs while as per 1991 #PlacesofWorshipAct, I can’t RECLAIM my heritage? 🤨🤨

Why did Cong kept strengthening #WaqfAct?

Waqf is 3rd largest owner of land in India after Railways & Army

8 lakh acres of land

6,59,877 properties

…presently registered with Waqf Board

& all this in Hindustan, after India was partitioned by Congis on religious lines

Let that sink in 🤨🤨🤨
Nehru brought Art 370 that made Kashmiri Hindus refugees in own land

Nehru brought Hindu Code Bills in 1950s to REFORM only Hindus

SoniaG brought Communal Violence Bill 2011 holding majority community H!NDUS responsible for all R!OTS

Is this Bharat jodo or Bharat todo?
Read 4 tweets

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