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Oct 16th 2022
Planners, #policymakers, #gis and #dataviz people of twitter, @TrivikV @mikhailsirenko and I released a new #opensource project: CityAccessMap. It's an open source #webapplication that visualizes urban #accessibility insights for almost every city in the globe 🌐.
The web-app uses #OpenData to visualize access to a variety of #essentialservices. By considering where people live, CityAccessMap measures how much of a city's population has access to things like transit/bus stops or health facilities. The app is entirely customizable.
The user can switch services on and off. Here's an example of accessibility to pharmacies, clinics, hospitals and other health services in Lima, Perú.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 16th 2022
Here's a list of free #PenetrationTesting and #RedTeam Labs you may set up in your own home to enhance your #hacking abilities :
1) Red Team Attack Lab
A simulated setting where red teams can practice exploiting #vulnerabilities in various operating systems.
2) Capsulecorp Pentest
#Capsulecorp is a lightweight virtual infrastructure operated using Vagrant and Ansible. One #Linux attacking system running #Xubuntu is included, along with four #Windows 2019 servers hosting a variety of #exploitable services.
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