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Jan 30th 2023
What is in store for #WiFi in 2023? Tune in below to hear from Wi-Fi Alliance member companies as they share their 2023 Wi-Fi predictions and what developments to watch out for this year.
.@MetinTskn, CEO and CTO at @AirTies shares his prediction for the increased adoption of Wi-Fi EasyMesh, #6GHz, the growing importance of Wi-Fi QoS management capabilities to manage end user experiences, and more.
Tuncay Cil, Chief Strategy Officer at @DZS_Innovation, gives us his 2023 #WiFi trends which include ultra-fast broadband, Wi-Fi 7, and the digital home. Watch here.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 30th 2022
1/26 Since I'm finishing let me praise the team for what we've achieved in @turris_cz over the past 2,5 years.

...and let me remind you that those were years of the Covid pandemic, years of the biggest supply chain disruptions, and semiconductor shortages in the past 4 decades
@turris_cz 2/26 yet we managed to grow and continued to improve

#Sales and #Production

and that deserves applause for everyone involved! 🚀

This is approx how our sales grew over the years, excluding initial #indiegogo campaigns in the early days.

Not bad, right! Image
@turris_cz 3/26 This is how the sales would look with initial IGG campaign numbers included. (yes, we don't provide numbers on purpose, it's for your imagination) Image
Read 26 tweets

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