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Nov 17th 2022
(the contest we'd rather not talk about, thank you).

No episode in the history of the Tripe Marketing Board has cast a cloud quite as dark as that which fell over our infamous #TripeDog contest in 2020. Image
After a five year absence, excitement was tangible when the news leaked out that the Tripe Marketing Board was re-launching its contest to find the canine face of tripe in 2020.
Board member Katrina Murphy had lobbied intensively for the competition's return, describing it as just the distraction the world needed at that time. Her initial suggestion to host the contest in Iceland was quickly discounted, but the board quickly warmed to the general idea. Image
Read 16 tweets
Sep 17th 2020
Here's what you might've missed from the @chitribopinions pages of the @chicagotribune #cps #judgetoomin #freetrade #joebiden #donaldtrump #cutepup / thread follows
... not every child can handle remote learning, writes a parent of a CPS kindergartener. And then what?…
... Judge Patrick Murphy asks if the Cook County Democrats' move against Judge Michael Toomin is a shift back to the (not-so-)good ol' days.…
Read 7 tweets
May 27th 2020
@SuneAuken ✨ πŸ¦‡ πŸŒ–
✨ 🏒
You’ve heard of 🏒
Gotham City...

Welcome to

...and its Super-cilious Hero
β€˜Fat Man!’
@SuneAuken πŸŒˆπŸ’šπŸŒΏπŸŒ±πŸŸ’πŸ‘€πŸŸ’πŸŒ±πŸŒΏπŸ’š

...often known as
β€˜Tw#t Man!


@SuneAuken ✨ πŸ•Š πŸŒ–
✨ 🏒
Welcome to 🏒

Show candour... ✨
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Learn from each other‼️
This is the Era of TRUTH‼️

Read 102 tweets
Nov 21st 2018
THREAD: The FAANG-ification of πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ #cannabis

There's blood on the streets in #cannabis-land, the latest twist in what's been a turvy year. I could choose from a lot of charts here but chose a global lens and zoomed out to paint the complete picture. Talk about vol. #woof πŸ‘‡
2/ A few things jump out to me on that chart. The first is the bubble and bust; boy I've seen a few of those in my day. Scary as all hell, all sorts of wealth destruction; never fun. But I also notice the uptrend, which remains in tact. That's sorta a big deal given the vol.
3/ Context matters too. #Cannabis is mind-numbingly a schedule I narcotic-- ILLEGAL. So the growth driving that uptrend has occurred *despite* the best efforts of governments / ruling bodies. Not only is that changing but it will be driven by SCIENCE / EFFICACY / WELLNESS...
Read 14 tweets

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