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May 27th 2020
@SuneAuken โœจ ๐Ÿฆ‡ ๐ŸŒ–
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...and its Super-cilious Hero
โ€˜Fat Man!โ€™
@SuneAuken ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŸข๐Ÿ‘€๐ŸŸข๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ’š

...often known as
โ€˜Tw#t Man!


@SuneAuken โœจ ๐Ÿ•Š ๐ŸŒ–
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This is the Era of TRUTHโ€ผ๏ธ

Read 102 tweets
Nov 25th 2019
#Brexit's 'nightmare alley' from 100 miles high. A 'house of horrors' story with a happy ending? But only if we vote for an end to the 'biggest heist in history'! 1/
Cameron launched his cunning plan (Bruges 2013) which only half worked? Spoiler! A cautionary tale, never to be followed! being nothing to do with improved welfare for the vast majority of Brits. 2/
Cam's plan was to kill off the Tories' @LibDems coalition partner, by secretly shafting them, while 'doing for' UKIP with the same bullet! Only the first bit worked? 3/
Read 21 tweets
Nov 21st 2019
Just days away from a #GE2019 which will shape UK for many generations to come!

Some incontrovertible facts:

1/ UK GDP% growth has stalled, at just 0.1% over the 6 months to 30sep19 (so, virtually flat-lining). This is the worst 1/2 year performance since the financial crash.
2/ Three plus years on from the disastrous #EURef, we now KNOW that destabilising Russian influence/cash was a material factor in driving the #Leave Vote. So, #RussiaReport MUST be released BEFORE we vote again in #GE2019.
3/ Russian agents also freely KILL (when directed & funded to do so) on the streets of Britain, so let's not readily 'pooh pooh' their ambition & reach to destabilise both the #UK & #EU.
Read 17 tweets
Aug 19th 2019
It's now painfully clear and beyond any doubt: 1. That the sunny, cost-free, easy-access uplands, posited by the Brexit cult, are mendacious fantasy. 2. That the ever-growing costs, downsides and consequences of Brexit are very real and intellectually indisputable.
We may tire of confronting the undisputed opportunity costs* of #Brexit #CatastrophUK (c.ยฃ130bn so far, rising at c.ยฃ1.2bn weekly) but our *GDP *Currency *Property Values *Stock Market *Govt Borrowing *Ongoing #Brexodus (ref: @uk_domain_names) combine to drag the UK backwards.
Read 16 tweets
Aug 6th 2019
UK's HUGE #Brexit threat stems from a bizarre & unprecedented confluence of 5 Groupings: 1/Political #Blukip Zealots/Little Englanders 2/Badly-informed & Manipulated Masses, 3/Dominant UK Media interests 4/FarRightRussian/USA/powers 5/Ultra-rich Financiers & Offshore Moguls. 1/10
Drill down: 1/#Blukip has been 'on this' for years. If not led by Dr Snake Oil himself #FarRightRage then by someone else? English Nationalism has been SO easy to stoke, in a totally policy-free way!, with Scottish Nationalism pushing its case daily and pissing off Anglos. 2/10
2/ Badly-informed/Manipulated Masses have been an easy target after years of Tory Austerity. They are 'useful idiots' to the four more deadly & focused groupings. Spoiler alert! They'll also be, by FAR, the very hardest HIT, so expect a backlash - when they finally wake up! 3/10
Read 17 tweets

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