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May 3rd 2023
🚨A member of the Yanomami ppl died after being shot in the head & 2 more were injured in another brutal attack on Saturday by illegal miners, in the Yanomami Uxiu community.

Murders & violence against Indigenous ppl in the area have increased as more & more miners settle there. Image
The following day a governmental team was also shot at trying to remove illegal miners from the #Yanomami Indigenous Territory, whilst four miners, including a powerful ringleader, were killed in the confrontation.

#Yanomami orgs inc @Hutukara demanded more protection: “Even after yrs of countless complaints to the authorities, when the world is aware of the health crisis & lack of solidarity that our ppl are facing, we’re once again appealing to the Brazilian gov [for more support].”

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Jan 22nd 2023
Para resolver o problema do garimpo na terra yanomami, como foi feito na Op. Xawara em 2011, atacando a logĂ­stica dos criminosos: 1) Controlar o acesso no Rio Uraricoera, basta instalar uma corrente no rio e uma base com dez agentes (PF, FUNAI, IBAMA, EB) segue o fio... #Yanomami
Identificar e apreender os aviões que são utilizados na prática do garimpo. Na época do operação Xawara foram apreendidos 14 aeronaves. Identificação dos pilotos que trabalham para o garimpo suspender o brevet deles. Segue o fio...
Acionar a FAB. Em Boa Vista, Roraima, fica o esquadrão Escorpião formado por excelentes aeronaves Tucano T29, para que patrulhem o espaço aéreo da Terra Ianomâmi. Essas aeronaves podem, além de reprimir o tráfego aéreo ilegal, plotar e fotografar os locais de garimpo. Segue.
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Sep 14th 2020
na nossa segunda #HQReload, trazemos um recorte triste, mas necessário, sobre a luta de mães da etnia #Yanomami. #SegueOFio e se liga na importância de conhecer a cultura da comunidade indígena, com infos apuradas pela @amazonia_real. #SOSYanomami
o #descaso com os corpos de pessoas Yanomami existe em morte e em vida, infelizmente...
e para piorar tudo, a comunidade #Yanomami também sofre com várias invasões de #garimpeiros em suas terras.
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Jul 3rd 2020
#Brazil: Government military mission took 66 thousand 150 mg chloroquine tablets to treat indigenous people from nine ethnic groups from the Yanomami and Raposa Serra do Sol Indigenous Lands.
#Brazil: Indigenous leaders angry about #COVID19 risk from military visit.
"We are worried strangers came here and left the COVID-19. The Yanomami people were called into the garrison with no explanation"…
Video: @RedeProYY
"We don't want to be used as government propaganda," said Parana Yanomami. "We don't want outsiders coming here to take photos of our children. The visit took us by surprise."
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