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Apr 5th 2023
I found the attachment between Eris and Rudeus in the first season of Mushoku Tensei fascinating. Let's take a deep dive into their evolving relationship and explore why Eris had to leave Rudeus. (Only covers S1) #MushokuTensei #Psychology #anime #manga
Eris and Rudeus start off with a rocky relationship. Eris, often resorts to violence to express her emotions. Rudeus, on the other hand has low self-esteem due to his past life experiences. This dynamic sets the stage for a rather tumultuous bond (Eisenberger & Lieberman, 2004).
However as they spend more time together their relationship begins to evolve. Rudeus helps Eris improve her behavior and develop her skills, while Eris provides Rudeus with companionship and a sense of belonging (Bowlby, 1969). Their mutual experiences foster a strong connection. Image
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Nov 4th 2021
🌟Looking forward to #MuhuratTrading?

🙌Check out this thread to see what #Trinkerr Experts chose as their top #DIWALIPICKS! ✨

#StockMarket #stocks
@MoneyMystery's #DIWALIPICKS for #MuhuratTrading🎁


💫Checkout his complete #Trinkerr portfolio:
@MarketScientist's #DIWALIPICKS for #MuhuratTrading🎁


💫Checkout his complete #Trinkerr portfolio:
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Mar 26th 2021
@opropriolavo @BonySky #Éris vive frustrada, solitária, infeliz, angustiada, esquecida, odiada e desprezada. Ñ à toa: sua estúpida interferência no banquete olímpico (p/o qual ñ havia sido convidada), jogando a maçã de ouro "p/a+bela", gerou só desgraças: o rapto de #Helena (por Páris) e a guerra...
@opropriolavo @BonySky (e destruição) de #Tróia.

Hoje, seus #descendentes vivem em agonia eterna, sem paz, nem amor; seu #karma é o de respirarem, sofregamente, o pouco da #pseudovida que lhes resta, tal qual como foi para #Medusa🐍, uma das 3 #Górgonas:
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