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Sep 14th 2022
#HAL is not a one trick pony of #Tejas as one would expect. It has various projects in Defence sector. Tejas MK-1 & MK-2 are just two of its top line products in production for Indian Airforce.
#HAL profile is design, manufacture, design, develop, maintain aircrafts, helicopters, aero-engines, avionics, accessories, aerospace structure and Industrial Gas Turbines. It is manufacturing LCA TEJAS, Dhruv Advanced Light Helicopter, LCH & LUH.
It manufactures under license Sukhoi-SU 3KI, Hawk Advance Jet Trainer, Chetak & Cheetal Helicopters. Future projects include HTT-49 Basic Trainer, LCA MK2, Maritime Utility Helicopter & Combat Air Teaming System.
Read 18 tweets
Sep 1st 2022
Today the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) sanctioned Rs 6500 cr for #Tejas Mark 2 project with schedule of manufacturing by 2027.
With this the ambiguity over the project ends.
IAF has committed minimum 6 squadrons with additional order depending on progress in project.
As per sources CCS will sanction Rs 15000 cr for the AMCA project in next few months.
In 2018 Rahul Gandhi was spreading lies that Modi govt is finishing HAL n snatching govt job for youths.
Even that time I had said as per Modi's plan of indigenization HAL is full of orders till 2040.
With many countries showing interest for Tejas fighter orders will not dry till 2050+
Bigger news is on the MMRCA front.
GOI is on advance stage of deal with foreign co.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 27th 2022

Post 5G spectrum auctions, Co expect to see a multi-year capex spend cycle for building both wireline and wireless infrastructure.
Deployments of next-generation radio products, 5G will also require significant increase in cell-site fiberization and augmentation of optical backbone capacities which augur well for the business of #TejasNetworks.
With strong order book of 1158 Crs advance inventory actions, the mgmt of #TejasNetworks expects to see better revenue performance in the coming quarters.
Read 8 tweets
Mar 7th 2022
Stocks from Different Sectors
EVs :-
#Kabra - Battery play
#JBM - EV Bus Play
#Rattanindia - Revolt EV bike
#TataPower- Charging Station
#TataChem- Raw Material
▶️Retweet to Reach max people
Green energy:-
#BorosilR- Solar Glass player
#Swelect- Solar Panel
#TataPower- Largest Player
#Websol- Solar System Installation

#JustSharing #NotRecommending
#DoYourOwnResearch #Startup
IT Play:-
#Kpit - EVs IT solution
#HappiestMind- Management
#Saksoft- AI play
#KPIT- AI play
#AurionPro- Emerging Businesses
#Cyient- Undervalued
#HGS- Demerger Story

#JustSharing #NotRecommending
#DoYourOwnResearch #Stocks #Startup
Read 8 tweets
Feb 18th 2022
Indian Air Force’s BIGGEST war exercise—Ex #Vayushakti-2022, will be held within jst a few 100Kms frm PAKISTAN.

Around 140 air assets incld #Rafale, Sukhois, LCA #Tejas, Chinook & Apache will participate.

Will be witnessed by PRESIDENT, PM #Modi and Defence Minister. 😊👍 ImageImage
This will be held on March 5th, in Pokhran. RAFALE with it’s MICA missile will be a sight to watch. 😊👍 Image
Kisi ki toh jalne waali hai! 🔥😃
Read 5 tweets
Jan 31st 2021
#AeroIndia2021 Thread Part 2.

Part 1 link -

So some juicy updates have starting rolling in from the stalls at the AI.
First look at the #TejasMK2 #MWF model by @ReviewVayu.

The model looks in much better finish than the last time. Though I see some changes. There is a Boundary layer spillway seen over the wing. And a modified fuselage side walls for canard mountings. @Indrani1_Roy
Of course changes were to be expected from the configuration from AI2019 given the design was still evolving. But is the one we see currently the final frozen Preliminary design config..?

Read 60 tweets
Sep 18th 2020
🌄Good evening everyone!

Welcome to In Conversation with 𝐃𝐫 𝐑 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐦, Former Principal Scientific Adviser to Govt. of India, Chairman AEC & Secretary @DAEIndia👥

🗣️Please post your recommendations, comments with #ChatwithRChidambaram
👸👸This live-tweet thread is curated by @AnamZille & @Jengovz on behalf of @spf_in

🌸🌸Opening the session with a warm welcome by @ChagunBasha @DSTCPRIISc @PrinSciAdvGoI
Read 43 tweets
Mar 3rd 2019
#Tejas Is mass production possible.
👉GOI has given order for 40 Tejas MK 1. Some 12 odd have been delivered.
👉Sadly due to non availability of dedicated production line n also not sure of the progress of development of Tejas the initial production rate was very slow.
👉In fact till 2016 only 3 of the initial 20 were delivered
👉GOI sensing the urgency of depleting squadron strength of IAF got into the act
👉GOI sanctioned 1238 cr for errection of a new assembly line having capacity to produce 8 aircraft/year
Read 23 tweets
Feb 11th 2019
HAL's Aircraft Design & Research Centre released tender for LCA Mk2 developments.

700 mm in added length and canards distinguish it physically from the current LCA design.

#tejas #lcatejas #indianairforce #hal #aviation Image
Read 3 tweets
Aug 24th 2018
CSIR-NAL laboratory to manufacture critical composite air-frame components for #LCA #Tejas

SIGNIFICANT part is that this deal is for FOC airframes (SP21-40). FOC is now very close and we are looking at minimal disruptions to production

True #MakeInIndia…
co-curing technology in LCA has resulted in 40% reduction in part count,50% reduction in number of fasteners 30% reduction in assembly time compared to a conventional metallic air-frame.The usage of composites has led to an overall weight reduction of about 20% in the air-frame
LCA project once again showcasing benefits of local development, CSIR-NAL will work with #Tata Advanced Materials Limited (TAML) in #Bengaluru as a production partner

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