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Feb 24th 2023
#Syrma #Kaynes #Dixon #PGEL

#EMS market is set to grow at +30% CAGR for at least next 5 years from ₹1,469Bn to ₹6,000Bn by FY27.

🧵 on some spl. business insights from Q3FY23 concall & other sources

@soicfinance @ishmohit1

1 can't miss this decadal opp.

Retweet♻️ & Like👍 Image
There are 2 models that business generally follow:

1. Low Value High Mix (LVHM) - eg. consumer
2. High Value Low Mix (HVLM) - eg. Industrial

This data suggests both type of businesses are set for long-term high growth. Image
This is a crowded space with Indian and large MNC players. However, the industry as a whole is set to grow exponentially and established players who can achieve scale & offer wider capabilities stand to win bigger + mgt. are saying they are just scratching the surface ryt now. Image
Read 27 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
(1/16) Today again a more theoretical thread about #Germanic #history. It is about a theory of the origin of the first Germanic major #tribes:
the #Iron and #Amber theory!

(Many used images are from external sources, which I will gladly share if needed.) ImageImage
(2/16) But let's start from the beginning. What is a #Germanic "major #tribe" anyway?
Around the year 0, hundreds of small #tribes lived in #Germania. About 400 years later, however, they were seemingly replaced by a few large tribes, such as the #Goths, #Franks, or #Alemanni. Image
(3/16) #Researchers therefore asked themselves early on how this development had come about. It was usually assumed that #Germanic #tribes living near the #borders of the #Roman #Empire formed #raiding parties, in order to be able to undertake more successful #raids. ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Nov 9th 2022
A recap of the crazy last 72 Hours, a thread🧵👇: Image
It all started with the worry about #Alameda's financial status after their balance sheet and liability are leaked👇.
Then the rumor is out that FTX is in a liquidity crisis.
But at this point, based on the scale of FTX, many still hold FTX is safe.…
Then 3 days later, a huge #FTT transaction (22,999,999 - $580M at that time) happens, then the man, @cz_binance steps in and announces #Binance gonna sell all #FTT they have due to #FTX existing risk, seems a war between @binance and @FTX_Official has just begun. ImageImage
Read 25 tweets
Sep 16th 2022
#Indra nos dice hoy que han recibido notificación del Consejo de Ministros del día 13 aprobando la compra del 9,9% de la compañía por Amber ( es decir por #JosephOughourlian presidente de #ElPais). Abrimos #hilo.
1.- En los acuerdos del Consejo de Ministros del 13 de septiembre
No aparece mención alguna a esta operación.
2.- Inicialmente Amber adquirio un 4% y se ve que le pudo gustar no pedir permiso.
3.- El RD 664/1999 de Inversiones Extranjeras establece en su articulo 11 de conformidad con el RD 377/1991 sobre mercado de valores que habrá que pedir
autorización para comprar más de un 5% en empresas estratégicas. El problema es que ese RD 377 de 1999 fue derogado por el RD 1362/2007 que rebaja el límite citado al 3%.
4.- ¡Sorpresa! no consta que el Consejo de Ministros del trilero #Sánchez autorizará esta primera operación.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 2nd 2022
Hola Twitter 🙋‍♀️soy especialista en derechos de mujeres y voy a retomar elementos clave del juicio #JohnnyDepp vs #AmberHeard, desde una perspectiva de género, basándome en estándares legales internacionales y estudios especializados.

Los invito a seguir leyendo.

Abro hilo🧵👇 Image
Para empezar, sabemos que se trata de un caso civil relacionado con una demanda por difamación.

#AmberHeard (AH👱🏻‍♀️) se describió en este artículo de opinión en @washingtonpost como "una figura pública que representa el abuso doméstico" 👇…
El actor y ex-pareja de AH👱🏻‍♀️, #JohnnyDepp (JD👨🏻) la demandó por presunta difamación estimando que esas afirmaciones, según él falsas, habrían tenido impactos personales y profesionales.

Esta demanda se da tras otra judicializada en UK.

Read 24 tweets
May 4th 2022
Amber Heard tonight after realizing that the world still won't believe her lies and that the new PR is not worth anything. #amberheard #AmberHeardIsALiar #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser #JusticeForJohnnyDepp Image
Amber Heard - Part 1: Today I learned that you can have PTSD & still have 2 personality disorders. What she presented was not only bad acting but a failed attempt to seem luke the normal person. #amberheard #AmberHeardlsALiar #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser #JusticeForJohnnyDepp Image
Amber Heard - Part 2: It sounded like She described her father. Now every man must be the same bad man as the father was. She totally has these 2 disorders. She also behaved like a child. #amberheard #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser #AmberHeardlsALiar Image
Read 44 tweets
Mar 3rd 2022
ok i literally have no idea how to use this i just want to share my edits soo
Starting out i have my diluc kokomi edit
(I have no clue how hashtags work but im assuming it’s less of them than instagram sooo)
#kokomi #Diluc Image
the next one i did was chongyun and childe
#chongyun #childe #tartaglia #Genshin #GenshinImpact Image
Read 106 tweets
Jan 19th 2022
✅It represents a pause in the trend during which prices move sideways between two parallel horizontal lines
✅The rectangle is sometimes called “trading range” or “a congestion area”
✅Bullish rectangle pattern example: #abbindia
2/ ImageImage
✅Example of bearish rectangle pattern
3/ Image
Read 4 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
This tiny crab trapped in 100-million-year-old amber is the most complete fossil crab ever discovered! But how did a crab get trapped in amber in the first place? Here we tell you the story… #Science #Evolution #SciComm 1/n Image
Transitions from marine to non-marine environments (e.g., land, brackish & freshwater) are an infrequent even in most animal groups. And yet, true crabs, or #Brachyura, have done it independently over a dozen times! #ocean #freshwater #evolution 2/n Mangrove tree crab, Aratus ...
Amber is like a time capsule that preserves organisms like frozen in time. While most fossils in amber are land-dwelling animals—principally insects—, aquatic organisms such as crabs are extremely rare! #amber #jurassicpark #Cretaceous #Crabs Photo by @LidaXing1982 3/n Image
Read 9 tweets
Sep 8th 2021
Mission 1 Lakh share price

#Honeywell Automation
#Abbott India
#Tasty Bite
Mission 20K share price stock list

#Bajaj Finserv
#Bajaj Finance
#India Mart
#Naukri (Info Edge)
#Affle India
Mission 10K share price stock list

#Amber Enterprises
#Asian Paints
#Fine Organic
#Gland Pharma
#GMM Pfaudler
Read 6 tweets
Nov 12th 2019
Today is #GuruNanakJayanti550 . He taught us to #love #respect all 🙏🏽These #photographs are from the #BanglaSahib #Gurudwara (place of worship of the #Sikhs)It is said that its built on the bungalow (hence #colloquial term ‘Bangla’)of Maharaja Jai Singh, ruler of #Amber #Jaipur Image
8th Sikh #Guru, Har Kishen, helped #smallpox #cholera #epidemic patients in 1664 from here.The #freshwater from the well here quenched many thirsts. He himself succumbed.Later, the #Maharaja built a #reservoir, still revered as it #symbolically links to the water from its #well
The main shrine hall is painted with #gold, motifs here and the inlay work heavily influenced by the reigning #Mughal This Gurudwara is now #plasticfree from #October #gurunanak550 #sikhism #architecture #delhi #pakistan #religion #secularism #heritage #historic #handmade #India Image
Read 3 tweets
Nov 4th 2019
#MDSI2019 Day2 Session 2: "Standardization of file format I/O" by @jppiquem.

Straight into problems -- input files are a tougher cookie to crack than output 🍪
Actually, Day 2 Session 3 #hasphdcantcount
#Input: Many problems -- many possible solutions! How to find the right one? #goldilocks

#Output: probably easier to handle and we can learn from other fields, like climate research.
Read 21 tweets
Jan 29th 2018
So I’ve been wanting to be play this game..Finally going to do it... Image
1. (#Damon & #Elena) #Delena |You want a love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure, and even a little danger..#TVD
2. (#Liam & #Steffy) #STEAM | No one can stop us. You know why? Because we are written in the damn stars.
Read 140 tweets

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