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Nov 12th 2019
Tonight’s #CUHK — where brave #university students are defending their home.

#CCP is replaying the horrific #Tiananmen2019 in #HongKong.


#香港中文大學 #光復香港
#ResistBeijing #LiberateHongKong Image
#Battlefield in Chinese University of Hong Kong now — heart broken.. stay safe everyone.

#光復香港 #antichinazi
#HongKong #HongKongProtest
Some of theTearGas canisters, estimated near 1,000 were fired just tonight in #CUHK.

#CCP-backed #HongKong puppet Gov & #HKPolice are trying to genocide the whole young generation becoz — you can NEVER MAKE #FREEMEN BOW TO TYRANNY.

#HKPoliceTerrorism #香港デモ #HongKongProtests ImageImageImage
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Oct 25th 2019

The 1st #videogame based on *frontline #HongKongProtester* who resist #PoliceBrutality backed by evil Gov!!

And @blitzchungHS is playing live tonight!…

#blitzchung #games
#LiberateHongKong #光復香港 🇭🇰
Understand the controversy— @Dystopia992 is sharing this simply becoz this is one of the *many ways* everyone around the 🌍 can #StandWithHongKong. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Read 3 tweets
Oct 24th 2019
Let’s join #ChungkingMansion CULTURAL TOUR tomorrow (25.10)!

Our ethnic minorities friends will show us around the building & let’s get to know & respect each other
— HKer is not defined by race

#WeConnect #WeAreHongKongers
#重慶大廈 #文化交流 #Socialinclusion ImageImageImage
Have you tried the #curry tonight?
🇭🇰 #WeAreHongKongers & #WeConnect with food tonight🤤

重慶大廈 #重慶大廈感謝日
#UST南亞仔 #YellowShop #黃店
#currychallenge #ChungKingMansion ImageImageImage
每逢 #光明節,印度教盛行之地,到處能見地上這個畫案,叫 #rangoli

導遊先生解釋 時,用咗廣東話勁貼地咁講:「我哋喺光明節嘅時候,每家每戶都會畫個 rangoli⋯⋯

「⋯去 #光復我哋屋企!」

Happy Diwali our friends🇮🇳!

#Pazu薯伯伯 #GoodLuck #Hanukkah
#光復香港 #重慶大廈 #重慶感謝日 Image
Read 5 tweets
Sep 4th 2019
As a 'community organizer', I can confirm that this is the biggest intellectual and public psyche blindspots we have in Canada, especially Vancouver.

e.g. I'm still shocked by how little knowledge those with power knows of the "Chinese" community and geopolitics in Asia.
The reliance on opportunistic and biased brokers, who themselves arguably don't have a full enough grasp of local "Chinese" community dynamics, only sets up the community for further tokenization, licensing of agendas, and reinforces rifts between "Chinese" groups.
I've commented in media re: the fragmentation of the "Chinese" community in Vancouver but again, I'm not confident that people realize the degree and severity of this. This is important reality that we need to grapple with, given the demographics and 'diversity' we have locally.
Read 13 tweets

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