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Dec 1st 2019
ATL🇺🇸 in #HongKong: THREAD 1/n

Today SO MUCH in one short video:

* Melee of press, #police, protesters & tourists
* #HongKongProtester being arrested
* UK tourist watching atop the silver sculpture
* Sound of pepper spray being sprayed (fountain-style)
* Tear gas being shot
#HongKong THREAD 2/n

I'm not here to be at the front lines (this guy👇👇👇 is), but to visit with some #HongKongers & their supporters involved.

Think of it as American Thought Leaders🇺🇸, #HongKong Edition, & why not ATL🇺🇸—it's been said that this resembles, in some ways, 1776.
#HongKongProtests THREAD 3/n

Meet conflict reporter @Michael_Yon (with gas mask & orange vest) & #HongKong videographer Eric Fok @RazvenHK (donning mask).

Ok, before you meet them, meet the rather assertive #HongKongPolice. Big blue sign means "this protest is unauthorized."
Read 29 tweets
Oct 25th 2019

The 1st #videogame based on *frontline #HongKongProtester* who resist #PoliceBrutality backed by evil Gov!!

And @blitzchungHS is playing live tonight!…

#blitzchung #games
#LiberateHongKong #光復香港 🇭🇰
Understand the controversy— @Dystopia992 is sharing this simply becoz this is one of the *many ways* everyone around the 🌍 can #StandWithHongKong. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Read 3 tweets
Sep 23rd 2019
Sebuah panduan taktik para demonstran di Hongkong ketika berunjuk rasa. Panduan yang mungkin akan berguna saat melakukan aksi turun ke jalan.

Cara meredam gas air mata: jangan lupa bawa tumbler, tak lupa sarung tangan anti panas.
Jangan lupa bawa sarung tangan anti-panas. Suhu proyektil gas air mata yang baru ditembakkan bisa capai 70 derajat. Cukup buat kulitmu terkelupas.
Read 24 tweets

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