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Nov 28th 2022
#NOW on #CUHK campus dozens of students gathered , with white papers in hand, to mourn the victims of the #UrumqiFire and protest China’s stringent covid measures , chanting slogans put on Beijing’s Sitong Bridge last month in Cantonese and Mandarin.
“We are not foreign forces! We are Chinese youth!”
“Do you hear the people sing”
Read 11 tweets
Dec 25th 2021
立場新聞: Last night, #CUHK demolished its Goddess of Democracy statue, claiming that no organization was responsible for its maintenance; #LingnanUniversity also dismantled its Tiananmen Square Massacre relief as a legal or security risk.…
Chen Weiming, the sculptor of the two works, issued a statement claiming that what the two #HongKong universities destroyed were #freespeech & #academicfreedom; Chen reserves the right to pursue legal proceedings against both #HongKong universities. #香港…
#CUHK students erected a paper replica to commemorate the missing statute that was destroyed by fire hoses by the university administration on Christmas Day. #academicfreedom #freespeech #HongKong #香港 民女、浮雕作者陳維明發聲明:清除的是言論和學術自由…
Read 7 tweets
Feb 25th 2021
CUHK effectively grounded the newly elected student union cabinet for their remarks that “concern national security” and involve “unfounded accusations against the university”, by suspending union fee collection and demanding the SU to register as a social group or company. Image
Syzygia, the elected SU cabinet of #CUHK, will respond to the university’s statement at midnight.…
Issac Lam, chair of the elected SU of #CUHK, said they are "extremely disappointed" by the university's decision to disown the cabinet.

"The university is not only stripping us of our positions, but also stripping over 4,000 students' affirmative votes," he said. Image
Read 6 tweets
Dec 25th 2020
Chinese University of #HongKong (#CUHK) issues statement regarding the rumoured reorganization of the University Services Centre and its library "CUHK clarifies unfounded rumour,"… 中大澄清不實傳聞… #香港 #中文大學
In 2005, The #China Journal published an article on the 40th anniversary of the USC's founding on its history & importance to the field of Chinese studies; Harvard University's Ezra Vogel, who sadly passed away last week, wrote the forward:…
Ezra Vogel noted that, in the still-heated turmoil of post-McCarthyism in the US, then MIT professor Lucian Pye, suggested that a centre for research & study on #China be set up in #HongKong, "a neutral ground amidst the US intellectual battles of the day." #香港 #中文大學
Read 68 tweets
Apr 22nd 2020
Today I'm going to try combining two things I often tweet about: tech and Cantonese. So, let's talk about parsing.

I'm currently studying Cantonese at #CUHK in #HongKong.
In English I would say: "My name is Nathan." The written representation maps 1:1 with the words spoken. For bonus points, the characters in each word themselves contain information about how they are pronounced. Put differently, serialization and deserialization are symmetric.
In Cantonese, using the Yale romanization, I would say out loud to somebody, "Ngóh ge méng haih Nathan." One possible written serialization of that is: "我嘅名係Nathan." Wait, what? One *possible* serialization!?
Read 16 tweets
Mar 17th 2020
A research of 400 specimens from 14 #covid19 patients by #CUHK found that 3 of the 14 patients still had virus in their stool samples after their respiratory samples are all clear. The amount of virus in stool samples is comparable to those in deep throat saliva. Image
More from this research.
At this stage, CUHK's researchers have NOT tested whether the virus in the stool samples are dead fragments or living virus. if they are living virus or can breed living virus, they are infectious.
The researchers are suggesting to add stool sample test as a supplementary test to deep throat saliva test for patients who do not have sputum, for 1) among the samples examined, saliva samples had a 42% false negative rate and 2) stool samples are easier to collect.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 19th 2019
4 masked intruders dressed in black set a fire at the printing press of the #HongKong edition of @EpochTimes in the early hours of Nov. 19, marking the 4th attack to the facility since its opening more than a decade ago. (Thread 👇)…
The incident took place around 3:40AM, as the staff there were about to send off newly printed newspapers to the stands.

Moments after staff opened the factory door, 4 masked men walked into the facility and pointed batons towards the workers, shouting: “all of you don’t move!”
Surveillance footage shows 2 of the men dressed in all black carrying batons, while one of them holds newspapers, and another carries two containers containing a flammable liquid, which he poured onto the factory machines and newspapers.
Read 17 tweets
Nov 14th 2019
Was an den Universitäten in #Hongkong gerade passiert, ist eine neue Stufe dieser Bewegung. Punkto Organisationsgrad und wohl vor allem punkto Militanz. Ein #Thread.
Seit gestern verschanzen sich Tausende Studierende in ihren Unis. Sie bauen Barrikaden, Fallen, Wachtürme – und sie bewaffnen sich.
Mit Pfeilbögen, meterhohen Feuer-Katapulten und tausenden Molotowcocktails. Für letztere haben die Studierenden regelrechte Produktionsstätten errichtet.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 13th 2019
Audrey Eu SC, on behalf of #CUHK student union chief Jacky So seeking injunction to ban police entry, argues there’s no rioting WITHIN Uni precinct; there’s only evidence that #HongKongPolice entered the campus & students responded to “an invasion of their home & try to defend”
Eu: we’re not asking the court to condone violence & the legal conducts of rioters, nor trying to tie the police’s hands. We’re asking #HongKongPolice have to enforce the law in accordance to the law, no more no less #CUHK #HongKongProtests
Eu: there should only be 3 conditions for police to enter #CUHK, a private premise. 1) with a search warrant, 2) at the invitation of the owner, 3) section 50(4) of the #HongKongPolice Force Ordinance, which reads as below:

Link to the law:
Read 7 tweets
Nov 12th 2019
#HongKong: another chaotic night throughout the city. Tear gas fills the streets of #Kowloon this evening
#HongKong: at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) students are resisting against a police siege on the campus ImageImageImageImage
#HongKong: these pictures from CUHK are crazy.

The university campus looks like Maidan ImageImageImageImage
Read 13 tweets
Nov 12th 2019
Tonight’s #CUHK — where brave #university students are defending their home.

#CCP is replaying the horrific #Tiananmen2019 in #HongKong.


#香港中文大學 #光復香港
#ResistBeijing #LiberateHongKong Image
#Battlefield in Chinese University of Hong Kong now — heart broken.. stay safe everyone.

#光復香港 #antichinazi
#HongKong #HongKongProtest
Some of theTearGas canisters, estimated near 1,000 were fired just tonight in #CUHK.

#CCP-backed #HongKong puppet Gov & #HKPolice are trying to genocide the whole young generation becoz — you can NEVER MAKE #FREEMEN BOW TO TYRANNY.

#HKPoliceTerrorism #香港デモ #HongKongProtests ImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Nov 12th 2019


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