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Oct 3, 2020, 8 tweets

Joe Biden has a plan to combat #COVID19.

You can read it here.

Here's a nice summary in graphics.

Free #testing for all with a national testing board. #BidenCoalition

Doubling the number of drive-thru #testingsites for the #CoronavirusPandemic.

A serious #ContactTracing force of 100,000 people.

This also creates #Jobs.

Free housing for healthcare workers so that they can #Quarantine and keep their families safe. #HealthcareHeroes #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica

Make #vaccine development a priority.

Ramp up production on as many vaccine candidates as necessary.

A national #Vaccination campaign to ensure fair distribution among the population.

This cannot be only for the wealthy. #PublicHealth #pandemic

A national #MaskMandate.

Because clearly that's what it takes to slow down / protect against this pandemic.

#WearAMask They WORK.

Joe and Kamala have a comprehensive, detailed, concrete plan to get #COVID under control and get our country, and economy, back on track.

We can't do this without them.

PLEASE sign up to help get them elected. #volunteer #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica

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