The following is an analysis of indicators that present facts that the bull market is still going from charts and data. I worked very hard on this for you guys, take some time to go through it. If you enjoyed this, please like and retweet to spread the message! Follow for more ty
1. The Golden 51%-49% Ratio shows a pullback. If the indicator's correct then my thesis that we're still in the bull market stands until the start of Oct. This indicator will be invalid if the thesis is wrong. This indicator has not failed. Yet. Indicators work until they don't.
2. Bitcoin search has not topped 2017 yet. My conclusion is that covid lockdowns have now made it hard for people to communicate (those not in the loop online and only watching Netflix, naruto, gaming, working at home etc) Normal gossip will take the frenzy up a notch for normies
3. Bitcoin stock to flow model live chart shows a pullback during the 2020-Early 2021 run. We have not overextended, if we were to, it will be by end of the year. If not, the stock-to-flow model will be proven to be wrong for the first time. It has been correct since its start.
4. BTC 2-year MA. Nowhere near the blow-off top as seen in every single previous bull run. Another working model that has never failed in the past, more likely to keep working just my thoughts. Take a look yourself.
5. BTC #Trolololo trend line. Who can talk about long-term bitcoin without this rainbow chart? Have we seen this working model show a blow-off top? No. Would be another 100% model being proved wrong if my thesis is wrong. Meaning law of exponential returns is that small.
6. #RUPL #NUPL chart. Hmmm, relative unrealized profits do seem to be taking an optimism/denial range which is the exact feel of #ct right now. Everyone is on the fence these days. But! look at the 2014 bull market. Do we see a similarity to today? Yet to hit into Euphoria range.
7. Puell Multiple. Although China has banned most crypto miners, hash rate and profitability will be back up, in order for the Puell Multiple calculations to be correct. The peaks of all coincide with the best profit-taking times. Unless the law of diminishing returns kicks in.
8. MVRV Z-SCORE. This is a great chart for showing the deviation between the extremes of market data between market and realized value. Basically the peaks always coincide at the peak of $BTC price within a certain bull market. Yet to hit. Makes this one the biggest of them all.
9. The RHODL Ratio. RHODL ratio entering into the red band signals that the market is approaching the top of its cycle. This has historically been a good time for investors to take profits in each cycle. Has yet to enter the heated range, and showing a healthy pullback. Bullish.
10. Finally Reserve Risk. Confidence is high and the price is low then there is an attractive risk/reward to invest in Bitcoin at that time (green zone). When confidence is low and price is high then risk/reward is unattractive (red zone). Yet to hit red. Decide for yourself.
That concludes my analysis of important data and indicators for $BTC. If anyone liked this follow me for similar discussions. Retweet and like to share the info, I spent some time on this. Would be appreciated.
Posting soon
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