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Representing activities & views of the Iranian diaspora, promoting democratic change by the people for #FreeIran Voice of #IranProtests #MaryamRajavi4FreeIran

Oct 28, 2021, 18 tweets

Gen. #JamesConway: #Iran now has a criminal for a president.Raisi has the blood of 30,000 of your countrymen on his hands. If we or a European nations start to deal with this person,all we will do is strengthen that regime.
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@StateDept @USABehFarsi @eu_eeas @francediplo_EN @GOVUK @CanadaFP @AlMissionUNGen Sen.@bobtorricelli: I have never seen a bipartisan coalition in America with the depth of support that the MEK (#MEK, #PMOI People's Mojahedin Organization of #Iran, the main Iranian opposition group) has.
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Sen. @bobtorricelli: There's one organization that has the means, the leadership, the focus, the int'l support to rejoin the intl community. That organization is the #MEK & Mrs. Rajavi as its leader & we are the answer.
#ProsecuteRaisiNOW #WeSupportMEK…

Judge Michael Mukasey: The world, & the US, shouldn't be paralyzed by the variety & enormity of the acts the mullahs have committed. The only way to end the regime’s conduct is to end the regime itself.
#Iran #FreeIran2021
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@StateDept @BelgiumMFA @DutchMFA @CanadaFP @SweMFA Judge Mukasey: Continued pressure through sanctions, refusal to be fooled by the resuming of dishonesty about its nuclear program & the pursuit of individual criminals are the tools that we have & we shouldn't hesitate to use them.
#JCPOA #Iran
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Sen @JoeLieberman: The regime is at its weakest point. Its economy is in shambles. It has not protected the people of #Iran from the #COVID19.
We should be increasing the pressure on the regime & enforcing new sanctions.
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@JoeLieberman @StateDept @NLatUN @ItalyMFA @USUN @WHO @UNHumanRights @Denmark_UN @SweMFA Sen. @JoeLieberman: #Iran regime has executed 30,000 of God’s children in #1988Massacre only because they were mmbrs of the (#PMOI/#MEK). We are proud to be standing in their memory today & we will fight until we achieve our goal. #ProsecuteRaisiNOW

Sen .@JoeLieberman: Instead of occupying the office of the president of a great country like #Iran Ebrahim Raisi should be arrested taken to The Hague & put on trial 4 crimes against humanity & the crime of genocide.
#ProsecuteRaisiNOW #1988Massacre

Sen.@JoeLieberman: The greatest threat that the U.S. faces today is from Iran's regime. It has enabled aggression & subversion in the region & is bringing untold suffering & death to the ppl of #Lebanon,#Syria, #Yemen,#Iraq, & in #Iran.

The 48th US Vice President #MikePence: "The #MEK led by #MaryamRajavi is committed to democracy, human rights, and freedom for every citizen of #Iran.
Mrs. Rajavi is an inspiration to the world. "
#ProsecuteRaisiNOW #FreeIran10PointPlan
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The 48th US Vice President #MikePence: "We stand with the proud people of #Iran because it is right, and because the regime in Tehran threatens the peace and security of the world."
#ProsecuteRaisiNOW #FreeIran2021
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The 48th US Vice President #MikePence: #MaryamRajavi's 10 Point Plan 4the future of #Iran will ensure freedom of expression, freedom of assembly & the freedom for every Iranian to choose their elected leaders.
#ProsecuteRaisiNOW #FreeIran10PointPlan…

The 48th US Vice President #MikePence: We stand unequivocally on the side of the #Iran'ian people & their Resistance.
There is an alternative – a well-organized, fully prepared, perfectly qualified & popularly supported alternative called the #MEK.

Mr. #MikePence: Today, the resistance movement in #Iran has never been stronger. Resistance Units (#MEK) in #Iran are the center of hope for the Iranian people. They are an engine for change from within during the uprisings & continued protests.

The 48th US Vice President @Mike_Pence: I can say with certainty that the American pple support your goal of establishing a secular,democratic,non-nuclear #Iran'ian republic that derives its powers from the consent of the governed.

LIVE REPORT: #FreeIran2021 Summit
Holding Ebrahim Raisi Accountable for Crimes Against Humanity Genocide, Regional Meddling, and Nuclear Defiance

The 48th US Vice President #MikePence: We stand unequivocally on the side of the #Iran'ian people & their Resistance.
There is an alternative – a well-organized, fully prepared, perfectly qualified & popularly supported alternative called the #MEK.

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