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Oct 28th 2021
Gen. #JamesConway: #Iran now has a criminal for a president.Raisi has the blood of 30,000 of your countrymen on his hands. If we or a European nations start to deal with this person,all we will do is strengthen that regime.
Wathe Live: 👉…
@StateDept @USABehFarsi @eu_eeas @francediplo_EN @GOVUK @CanadaFP @AlMissionUNGen Sen.@bobtorricelli: I have never seen a bipartisan coalition in America with the depth of support that the MEK (#MEK, #PMOI People's Mojahedin Organization of #Iran, the main Iranian opposition group) has.
Wathe Live: 👉…
Sen. @bobtorricelli: There's one organization that has the means, the leadership, the focus, the int'l support to rejoin the intl community. That organization is the #MEK & Mrs. Rajavi as its leader & we are the answer.
#ProsecuteRaisiNOW #WeSupportMEK…
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