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Feb 13, 2022, 15 tweets

Now is the time to be bullish on #gold #silver and #preciousmetals Many experts like @antonioatanasv @SilverChartist @RealRickRule or @TaviCosta has been bullish on #preciousmetals but I truly believe that NOW is the time!👇🧵 1/15

We are in at the begging of an inflationary decade. January #CPI rising at 7,5%, we need to look at previous inflationary periods like the 40s and the 70s. 2/15

Those periods were very different, at the 40s the governmental debt was high due to #WWII but in the 70s the corporate and private #debt was much important and this effect to the monetary decisions of the #FRED 3/15

At the 40s, the private #Savings help to sustain the country thanks to the war bond. However the private savings have been decreasing since them. 4/15

As well the current M2 generation is only related to the 40s, a war time budged!!! 5/15

Therefore, I agree with @LynAldenContact when saying the politics can only be similar to the 40s, as the government can't rise #interestrates as they did in the 70s. #Inflation is also interesting as they decrease the debt through time. As @TaviCosta says, the FRED is trap! 6/15

If they can't rise interest rates, money will not move toward bonds and #preciousmetals will shine! 7/15

Everyone is asking why #gold and #silver, didn't move with a full year of inflation. However, history tell us that in inflationary periods, #preciousmetals move after a lag period with inflation. 8/15

Also in the increase of #interestrates, #Commodities move with lag. If we look at the previous increase rates Feb94, Jun99, Jun04 and Dec15, #gold decrease his value for 7% 6 months before but increase more than 11% 6 months after! 9/15

In inflationary decades like the 70s, #Commodities in general behaves much better than #SP500. #gold x24, #oil x8, #mining stock +250% meanwhile #SP500 only increase 33%. 10/15

Remember, now is the time to change from stocks to commodities. #Commodities have never been cheaper and we have lack of everything! 11/15

Therefore, now is the time to be in #preciousmetals . If you want ideas in junior #mining stocks, you can follow @DonDurrett, @drjimjonesceo , @TheLastDegree , @Comm_Invest or @SilverChartist. Always due your DD! 12/15

If you are looking for a great discord community where we talk about #Commodities and another investment oportunities you can join @MomentumFinanc3 or @LocosWallStreet . Spanish community but plenty of english speaking users. 13/15

If you look for CEO #mining interviews, #investment thesis in #Commodities you can follow my podcast in
Youtube (spanish and english sub):…

If you think that the information has been useful please retweet and like. Now is the time to change to commodities and #gold and #silver! Thanks for sharing 🥂 15/15

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